Author Index


  • Abasszadeh, H Designing of Economic Defense Strategies (Based on the guidelines and documents of the Supreme Leader) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 117-138]
  • Abdefrootan, R Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Abdinzadeh, H Passive offense in combined warfare [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 47-72]
  • Abedi, A Islamic Jurisprudence in the Culture of the IRI's Counterintelligence Agencies: Position [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 75-100]
  • Abedi, Y Social Inequalities and the scrutinization of Social Phenomena [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 337-356]
  • Abedi, Y Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Abparvar, A Resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure with a passive defense approach [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 115-136]
  • Adhami, A Invastigating the cansequences and threats of social networks (telegram, line, viber, etc) in the collapse of families. [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 163-182]
  • Aevazi, M.R Research on the idea of "defense" in Imam Khamenei thought [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 5-24]
  • Afshordi, M Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]
  • Afshordi, Mahammad hossein Operation Principle Doctorine Nezaja And Nezsa for Unbalance Compaign [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 5-32]
  • Afshordi, M.H Shias constitute about 63 per cent of the Iraq population in addition to the Arab world comprising the most important Shia's group. [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 5-26]
  • Afshordi, M.H Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Afshordi, M.H The survey of electronic intelligence role for I.R.IRAN surprise prevention and proper model presentation(with air collection emphasize) [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 163-194]
  • Afshordi, M.H The Impact of South Caucasus Geopolitical Factors on the Defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Afshordi, M.H The most important geopolitical factors of Turkmenistan influencing the formulation of defense strategies Islamic Repulic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 149-172]
  • Afshordi, M.H Effective Factors in Determination of Operational Manual of the IRI's Ground Forces in Symmetric and Asymmetric Wars [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-74]
  • Afshordi, M.H Identification of the requirements of deterrence enhancement using fossil energy transit management in a region [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 5-22]
  • Afshordi, M.H Semi-model strategic of the subordination and the substance of borderguarding in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 5-28]
  • Afshordi, M.R Differences and Principles of the Battle of Equal and Non-aligned with the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Aga Mohamadi, D The characteristics of Strategic Desiging system in IRI Armed Forces [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 5-32]
  • Agamohammadi, D Security in Manners of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 183-210]
  • Agamohammadi, D Artsh Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with asymmetric threatsKhatmalanbya’Yganhay HvayyIdentification and evaluation of important factors and indices feisty defense headquarters of the major Ansany [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 77-100]
  • Agamohmadi, D Indicators of innovation and creativity in agility of the military organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 27-47]
  • Agend, F Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Aghabalazadeh, A.a The military doctrine is a modern-day agent in asymmetric wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 47-62]
  • Aghaei, M Research on the idea of "defense" in Imam Khamenei thought [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 5-24]
  • Aghaei Firoozabadi., S.H The role of the great reliers and seminaries in the sacred defense and its use in the possible future war (with an emphasis on soft warfare) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 5-34]
  • Aghamiri, S.S The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 329-352]
  • Aghamohamadi, D effective features of unbalance threat to operat of army aviation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 141-162]
  • Aghamohamadi, D The Impact of Defensive Intellectual Capital on the Strengthening the internal structure of Government the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Supreme Leader’s statements (God Extends His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 77-99]
  • Aghamohamadi, D Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 295-314]
  • Aghamohammadi, A.A Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 281-304]
  • Aghamohammadi, D specifing the important featurs and utilitarian indexs in pilot avition training system [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 211-234]
  • Aghamohammadi, D A comparative study of the military thought of socialism and fascism‌) from the point of view of thinkers of two schools( [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 117-138]
  • Aghamohammadi, D The requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 169-190]
  • Aghamohammadi, D Characteristics of the future war affecting the operational continuity of ground combat [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Aghamohammadi, D Explaining the thoughts (opinions, thoughts and experiences) of the military Lieutenant General Martyr Ali Sayad Shirazi [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 193-214]
  • Agha Mohammadi, D Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]
  • Aghili, S.H Investigating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and the fall of Mosul From the perspective of military security surprise [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 53-78]
  • Ahadi, M lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Ahadi, M Factors affecting military deterrence in the field of sea and aerospace [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 99-118]
  • Ahadi, M Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Ahadi, M Defense Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Principles and Aims [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 27-48]
  • Ahadi, M Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ahadi, M Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 123-146]
  • Ahadi, M Defense diplomacy strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the role of the Navy [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 173-192]
  • Ahmadi, A Introducing the Moqawemah Economic as the Local Sus-tainable Development Model [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 6-31]
  • Ahmadi, A.A The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 329-352]
  • Ahmadi, S.A Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • Ahmadian, .A.A present of strategies for improving utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle to increase of combat power of Islamic republic of IRAN’s arm services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 153-176]
  • Ahmadi Hajiabadi, S.A The role of mobilizing national resources in future wars [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 109-136]
  • Ahmadi Hajiabadi, S.A Mutual effects between knowledge-based defense and future wars [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 235-260]
  • Ahmadimoghadam, ] Explain the role of Imam Khamenei in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 29-52]
  • Ahmadi Moghadam, E Social Inequalities and the scrutinization of Social Phenomena [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 337-356]
  • Ahmadi Moghadam, I Presenting a strategic model of people-centered passive defense in dealing with the enemy's soft war [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 147-168]
  • Ahmadi Moghadam, I The macro-trends of spirituality and ethics in the second step of the Islamic revolution from the perspective of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 27-52]
  • Ahmadi Moghadam, I The function of territorial planning in economic defense with emphasis on the population [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 25-46]
  • Ahmadi Moghaddam, E Designing a non-urban civil defense strategy for protecting people from social threats (Case Study of Tehran). [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 29-53]
  • Ahmadi Moghaddam, I Geopolitical Factors Affecting the Promotion of Regional Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study of Yemen) [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 57-82]
  • Ahmadi Moghaddam, I Identifying trends affecting the social capital of the Armed Forces [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 333-356]
  • Ahmadi Moghaddam, I Strategies of the Higher National Defense University on the path of civilization in the horizon of 1410 AH [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 281-309]
  • Ahmad Mighani, A The component and indicators of manpower affecting the future air power. (In the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 73-98]
  • Ahmad vand, A.M Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 77-97]
  • Ahmadvand, A.M Geopolitical Factors Affecting the Promotion of Regional Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study of Yemen) [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 57-82]
  • Akbari, Ali Strateges and economic diplomacy requirents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Oman [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 129-150]
  • Akbari, B Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 239-262]
  • Akbari, B A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Akbarialashti, M Designing a model of transformation and excellence of organizational culture in the armed forces From the point of view of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Akbarnejad, A Prioritization of the components of the defense-security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (based on the Holy Quran, statements of Imam Khamenei (as), the constitution, vision, general policies and the law of the Fifth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 131-150]
  • Akbarnezhad, A Prioritizing the Components Affecting the Defense Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 189-206]
  • Akhavan, P Knowledge Management Model in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 81-108]
  • Akhgar, A The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 5-27]
  • AkramiNia, M The role of belief and ideological foundations in The military thought of the United States [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 156-137]
  • Alavi, Ali Identify and determine effective factors establishing a military command and control information and communication system network-based with knowledge management approach [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Alavi, S.M Planning of the strategic management model of aviation system in the space of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 5-26]
  • Alavifar, S.A Analysis of Economic Sanctions in RAMCAP Systematic Method to Design Strategies of Confronting Resistive Economy [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 113-136]
  • Alavi vaf, S Strategic environmental analysis and simulation Yemen Crisis trends Using the technoques of fussy cognitive map. [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 185-212]
  • Alavi vaf, S Strategies for the command and control system of non-operational defense in war situations. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 115-136]
  • Alavivafa, S Antagonistic Media Space against the IRIB upon Passive Defense Approach: Designing the Strategic Environment [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 5-26]
  • Al Hashem, S.M.A Human resource managers' competency model based on the values of the Islamic (Revolution Case Study the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 189-213]
  • Alidadi Talkhestani, Y Investigation on Ambidextrous Dynamic Capabilities effective Factors At a Defensive-Industrial Organization [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 257-282]
  • Alinezhad, M Investigating the role of intelligence command and control in knowledge defense [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 209-232]
  • Alipuor, A Iran's regional power and its impact on Russia's foreign policy conformity and allighment [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 13-38]
  • Ali Yari, F The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Alizadeh, H Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Alizadeh Aliabadi, A Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 327-348]
  • Alizadeh Aliabadi, A Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 259-280]
  • Alvani, S.M Investigation on Ambidextrous Dynamic Capabilities effective Factors At a Defensive-Industrial Organization [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 257-282]
  • Amini, S.j Investigating the Factors Affecting the Formation and Activities of Takfiri Terrorism in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 231-252]
  • Amini, S.J Policy Analysis Of Iran's Security And Defense Diplomacy With The People's Republic Of China [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 219-242]
  • Amiri, A Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]
  • Amiri, A Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Amiri, A Schools Claiming Lifestyle in Reliance with the Indicators of the Supreme School: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 97-120]
  • Amiri, A The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 329-352]
  • Amiri, M The Impact of Defensive Intellectual Capital on the Strengthening the internal structure of Government the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Supreme Leader’s statements (God Extends His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 77-99]
  • Amiri Moghadam, R Understanding the strategic components of security in the Islamic world by approaching the geopolitical position of the Islamic world [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 179-208]
  • Amiri Moghaddam, A Investigating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and the fall of Mosul From the perspective of military security surprise [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 53-78]
  • Anjom shoaa, R Key elements of biological defense in the field of drinking water distribution [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Anjom Shoaa, R Designing an empowerment model for top managers of the Ministry of Energy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 221-250]
  • Anvari, Gh Obstacles to the implementation of overall policies of passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Anvari, Gh Design strategic patterns of overall policies of deployment passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 139-163]
  • Anvari, Gh Introducing the Moqawemah Economic as the Local Sus-tainable Development Model [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 6-31]
  • Araghch, S.a Political Strategies of Total defense in Possible future war [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 99-119]
  • Araghchi, S.A The impact of Economic factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 99-124]
  • Araghchi, S.A Strategic environmental analysis and simulation Yemen Crisis trends Using the technoques of fussy cognitive map. [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 185-212]
  • Araghizadeh, M A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Araqi, Abdallah Operation Principle Doctorine Nezaja And Nezsa for Unbalance Compaign [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 5-32]
  • Ardalan, O Understanding the functional dimensions of takfiri movements with a military-security approach [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 239-258]
  • Ardalan, O Designing a knowledge management implementation model in the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on structural equation modeling [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 122-99]
  • Ariyapour, M The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]
  • Arrmoon, A Comparing the sanctions effects on defense industries and economic department and recognizing the prospering strategies of defense industries [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 125-144]
  • Asadi, M Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Asadi, M The role of belief and ideological foundations in The military thought of the United States [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 156-137]
  • Asadrooz, A Analysis of Economic Sanctions in RAMCAP Systematic Method to Design Strategies of Confronting Resistive Economy [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 113-136]
  • Asar, A Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Asghari, M.R Introducing the Moqawemah Economic as the Local Sus-tainable Development Model [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 6-31]
  • Asgharzadeh, A Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 45-72]
  • Asgharzadeh, Asghar Presenting a strategic model for military hospital agility in defense crises [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 222-201]
  • Ashtiani, M.R Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Askari, A Provide a model of future threats to air defense systems Based on functions and consequences [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 125-150]
  • Askari, A Providing a situational awareness model in the command system and air defense control [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 123-150]
  • Askari, D Designing a model of transformation and excellence of organizational culture in the armed forces From the point of view of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Ataee Kachoee, M. H A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Azaadi, F Explaining the role of Iranian-Islamic culture in the pattern of developments in the field of Defence-Security [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 285-306]
  • Azadi, F Explain of the role of human resources in the Iranian-Islamic model of progress In the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 233-252]
  • Azadi, F Strategies of the Activity Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 53-74]
  • Azadinejad, H The macro-trends of spirituality and ethics in the second step of the Islamic revolution from the perspective of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 27-52]
  • Azadinezhad, H Designing a model of transformation and excellence of organizational culture in the armed forces From the point of view of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Azarli, A Comparing the sanctions effects on defense industries and economic department and recognizing the prospering strategies of defense industries [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 125-144]
  • Azimi, A The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]
  • Azimi, S.R Analysis of Economic Sanctions in RAMCAP Systematic Method to Design Strategies of Confronting Resistive Economy [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 81-112]
  • Azimi Targhadri, M Sanctity of human life in war: A Shia Glance [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 193-212]
  • Azimitorogdari, M Developling counter cultural threats Strategies (TV satellite threats case) [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-76]
  • Azimitorogdari, M Immunizing the Society versus the Alien Culture [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 125-143]
  • Azizi, A Tehran,s Strategic behavioral Traffic Model [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 71-88]
  • Azizi, M Explain of the role of human resources in the Iranian-Islamic model of progress In the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 233-252]
  • Azizi, M Provide an organization's upgrade template for future combat wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 5-26]
  • Azizi, M The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Azureh, A The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]


  • Babaei, H Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]
  • Babaei, H The Impact of South Caucasus Geopolitical Factors on the Defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 5-30]
  • Babakhani, Ali The preparation of human resource strategies in all out defense at future possible war [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 75-100]
  • Baboli, K Power, vision, superior defense power, strategy, politics [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 195-216]
  • Baboli, K the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 319-342]
  • Baboly, K Shias constitute about 63 per cent of the Iraq population in addition to the Arab world comprising the most important Shia's group. [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 5-26]
  • Baghban, M A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 117-136]
  • Baghbani, Hadi Improving the combat capability of strategic drones against airborne threats (dimensions, components, indicators) [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 251-274]
  • Bagheri, M Providing a technical-engineering capability measurement model for military air power [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 165-188]
  • Bagheri, M.H Individual characteristics indicators Evaluate the performance of employees of military organizations [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 131-154]
  • Bagheri, M.H The Strategies for the psychological Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 79-110]
  • Bagheri Hashi, M Identifying the dimensions and components of educational system design in Armed Forces universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran using a meta-synthesis qualitative approach [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 103-124]
  • Bagheri Heshi, M Presenting a Conceptual Model of Reengineering Educational Processes of Universities and Higher Education Institutions Based on Lean Organizational Approach (Case : National Defense University) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 353-374]
  • Bagheri Heshi, M Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Bagheri Heshi, Mehdi Qualitative analysis of strategic education methods in national defense universities [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bagheri Heshi, Mehdi Qualitative analysis of strategic education methods in national defense universities [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • Bagheri Hoshi, M Educational Needs Assessment of Strategic Levels of Doctorate in Military Thought with Emphasis on Curriculum [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 151-172]
  • Bahreyni, N Investigating the dimensions of architectural knowledge and its impact on the architectural model for military forces of Islamic republic Iran [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 147-166]
  • Bajlani, S Features of the optimal defense policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 191-212]
  • Bakhshande, M The Strategies for the psychological Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 79-110]
  • Bakhsh Meidani, A.R The characteristics of Strategic Desiging system in IRI Armed Forces [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 5-32]
  • Bakhsh Meydani, A The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 115-140]
  • Bakhtiari, M Explaining the thoughts (opinions, thoughts and experiences) of the military Lieutenant General Martyr Ali Sayad Shirazi [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 193-214]
  • Bakhtiari, T Model of Strategic Affairs Editor experiences of immigrants and foreign nationals through the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih and constitution on divine discourse [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 169-194]
  • Bakhtiari, T Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 49-68]
  • Bakhtiari, T Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 47-75]
  • Bakhtiyari, I Explaining the Factors Affecting the Command and Control System of the Non-Operating Defense Organization [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Bakhtiyari, I Provide a model of future threats to air defense systems Based on functions and consequences [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 125-150]
  • Bakhtiyari, I Providing a situational awareness model in the command system and air defense control [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 123-150]
  • Bamdad Sofi, J The pattern of defensive organizations - the future military with the approach of scholars [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 283-306]
  • Bastou, R The Strategies for the psychological Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 79-110]
  • Behazin, F Pathology technology roadmapping models , identify challenges, and recommendations for improve it [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 49-72]
  • Behboodi, P A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 117-136]
  • Behdadfar, M Investigating the Effectiveness of the Fund for Supporting Research, Innovation and Development of Defense Technologies on the Agility of Defense Research Organizations [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 207-230]
  • Behdadfar, M.r The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Behdadfar, M.R companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 119-137]
  • Behdad Far, M.R Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 200-175]
  • Beik, A Schools Claiming Lifestyle in Reliance with the Indicators of the Supreme School: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 97-120]
  • Beik Bilandi, A.A The Effect of Future Threats in the Desirable Command in Islamic Republic of Iran Military Organizations. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Beik Bilandi, A.A The geopolitical interests of the United States of America in Syrian [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 219-238]
  • Beik Bilandi, Ali Asghar Identifying the dimensions of military thought knowledge in meta-composition [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 136-115]
  • Beik Bilandi, Ali Asghar Economic components and indicators affecting the defense relations between Iran and Central Asian countries [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 53-74]
  • Beik Bilandi, Ali Asghar Designing a model of transformation and excellence of organizational culture in the armed forces From the point of view of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Beik Bilandi, Ali Asghar The macro-trends of spirituality and ethics in the second step of the Islamic revolution from the perspective of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 27-52]
  • Beik Bilandī, A.A The impact of Military factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 27-54]
  • Beik Bilandī, A.A The impact of Economic factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 99-124]
  • Beik Bilandī, A.A The impact of political factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 165-188]
  • Beyk bilandi, A.A Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 45-72]
  • Beyk bilandy, A.A The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]
  • Beykoori, M.S Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 51-72]
  • Bigbilandi, A.A Explain of the role of human resources in the Iranian-Islamic model of progress In the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 233-252]
  • Bigbilandi, A.A Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Bigbilandi, A.A Passive offense in combined warfare [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 47-72]
  • Biglari, M Key elements of biological defense in the field of drinking water distribution [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Bizhani, A Impact of Atrak River Hydropolytic on Relations between Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkmenistan from 2000 to 2018 [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 383-404]
  • Boalhassani, Kh Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Bokaei, A Passive offense in combined warfare [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 47-72]
  • Bolandian, GH Model of Strategic Affairs Editor experiences of immigrants and foreign nationals through the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih and constitution on divine discourse [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 169-194]
  • Bolandiyan, Gh Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 47-75]
  • Bolhasani, kh Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Bolhasani, Kh The Effect of Future Threats in the Desirable Command in Islamic Republic of Iran Military Organizations. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Bolhasani, Kh The Islamic Republic of Iran's Defensive Strategy in the Face of Saudi Arabia: Geopolitical Opportunities and Strengths [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 73-96]
  • Bolhasani, Kh The Architecture of Iranian Armed Forces from the Perspective of the Commander-in-chief (circumstances, solutions, and consequences) [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 81-104]
  • Bolhasani, Kh Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 45-72]
  • Bolhasani, khg The guiding elements for Key Infrastructure Protection of Metropolitan [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Bolhasni, Kh Features of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in upstream documents with the view of developing a strategic model for future armed forces architecture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 111-130]
  • Bolhassani, K Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 155-176]
  • Bolhassani, kh Power, vision, superior defense power, strategy, politics [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 195-216]
  • Bolhassani, kh Strategies for acquiring the highest power of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Defense Forces in the South West Asia region [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 279-310]
  • Bolhassani, kH Iraq's security and political structure and its impact on national security IR Iran [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 101-147]
  • Bolhassani, Kh Determine the extent of the impact of the opportunities and threats of Islamic awakening on defense -security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (With emphasis on the opinions and ideas of Imam Khamenei) [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 73-98]
  • Bolhassani, Kh The requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 169-190]
  • Bolhassani, Kh Strateges and economic diplomacy requirents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Oman [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 129-150]
  • BYBORDY, FARROKH Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • By: Khorashadizade, M.R Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 281-296]


  • Chahardoli, A The leader-oriented (Faqih-oriented) armed forces theory based on Imam Khamenei’s views [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 93-124]
  • Chaharmahali, H Investigating knowledge management in knowledge-based organizations and its effect on the promotion of organizational entrepreneurship of the armed forces [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 275-292]
  • Charakh, J Investigating the dimensions of architectural knowledge and its impact on the architectural model for military forces of Islamic republic Iran [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 147-166]
  • Chardoli, A The effect of efficiency factors of the Islamic Republic on the formulation of the strategy of conceptual use of the internal part of the Islamic Revolution with spiritual emphasis of Imam Khamenei [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 45-70]
  • Chardolli, A The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Cheshak, K Prioritizing the Components Affecting the Defense Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 189-206]
  • Cheshk, K Prioritization of the components of the defense-security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (based on the Holy Quran, statements of Imam Khamenei (as), the constitution, vision, general policies and the law of the Fifth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 131-150]
  • Chizari, M The function of the command and leadership of Martyr Soleimani in the fight against ISIS in Iraq [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 145-164]


  • Dabestani, A.R Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • Dabestani, A.R Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 73-94]
  • Dabestani, A.R determine the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training in the armed forces s [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 33-54]
  • Dadashzaeh, J The Impact of Marine Culture Development on Improving the Defense Capacity [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 109-128]
  • Dadvand, Hossein Passive offense in combined warfare [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 47-72]
  • Danaeifar, H Examining the reasons for the success of defense and nuclear policy in Iran, a pattern for future strides [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 119-136]
  • Danesh, R Features of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in upstream documents with the view of developing a strategic model for future armed forces architecture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 111-130]
  • Daneshmandi, M.E Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Daneshvar, Sh Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Daneshvar, Sh The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Dehghan, H Effective Dimensions in Designing Policy Patterns in the Field of I.R.I’s Defense Technology and Innovation. [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 29-52]
  • Dehghan, H The Components (aims, doctrine and policies) of the Affairs of the Veterans and Martyrs based on the discourse of the Imam and the Leadership [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 331-348]
  • Dehghan, H The effect of efficiency factors of the Islamic Republic on the formulation of the strategy of conceptual use of the internal part of the Islamic Revolution with spiritual emphasis of Imam Khamenei [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 45-70]
  • Dehghan, M Design strategic model civil defense southern ports with an emphasis on document features maritime threats [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 49-70]
  • Dehghan, M.H Visual model from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with the Emphatically of his , Word High Spirited [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 85-108]
  • Dehghan, M.H The model of hostility from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with emphasis on Zionism [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 151-176]
  • Dehghan, N Designning a pattern for arrogance –fighting for The Islamic Republic of Iran From the Views of Holy Quran Teachings [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 307-336]
  • Dehghan, N Design strategic patterns of overall policies of deployment passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 139-163]
  • Dehghan, N Design of research & development system of aerospace industrial organization (AIO) with strategic approach [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 61-79]
  • Deh jamali, H The role of the great reliers and seminaries in the sacred defense and its use in the possible future war (with an emphasis on soft warfare) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 5-34]
  • Deh jamali, H Strategic model of defense diplomacy of Islmic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 266-245]
  • Dehqan, H The Main Challenges in the Face of the IRI’s Defense Policy; An Explanation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 195-216]
  • Delavar, A Macro-factors that influence the strategic model design of quality management in the aviation industry [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 73-92]
  • Delavar, A A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Delawar, A Designing an empowerment model for top managers of the Ministry of Energy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 221-250]
  • Derogar, M.R The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]
  • Dolati, A.A Qualitative analysis of strategic education methods in national defense universities [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dolati, A.A Qualitative analysis of strategic education methods in national defense universities [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 103-128]
  • Dorri Naogoraee, H Designing of Economic Defense Strategies (Based on the guidelines and documents of the Supreme Leader) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 117-138]
  • Dost-Mohammadi, M.R Strategies of in-service training in the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 49-68]


  • Ebrahimi, M The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Edrisiyan, M Explain the teachings of jihad jihadist influence on the morale of the armed forces. [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 5-26]
  • Edrisiyan, M Development of comprehensive defense strategies in the field of culture [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 75-98]
  • Eftekhari, A The Implications of Soft War for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Political Legitimacy [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 159-178]
  • Eftekhari Ghoshe Kand, A.A The most important factors affecting the improvement of resilience and continuity of production, transmission and distribution of the gas network [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 211-232]
  • Eghbali, K Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 247-270]
  • Eghdam, Eghdam A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Einolqozati, A Convergent Technologies in Enhancing the IRI's Defensive Power [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 27-52]
  • Eizdai, M Security in the political system of the Islamic Revolution (A Review of the Political Philosophy of Security in the Tehran School of Security) [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 173-190]
  • Elhami, A The role of geoeconomic factors in promoting the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 159-180]
  • Elhami, A.H Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 174-157]
  • Elhami, A.H Analyzing the available driving capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region(strengths and opportunities) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 5-26]
  • Elhami, Amir Hossein Evaluation and Pathology of Defense Readiness curriculum in General Education [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 91-112]
  • Eliasi, M A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Emadi, S.E Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]
  • Emadi., S.A Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Emamiyan, S Prioritizing the components and indicators of Hybrid warfare with the Analytic Hierarchy process method [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 121-140]
  • Ershadmanesh, H Designing a non-urban civil defense strategy for protecting people from social threats (Case Study of Tehran). [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 29-53]
  • Eshaghi, M Developling counter cultural threats Strategies (TV satellite threats case) [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-76]
  • Eskandari, D Defense diplomacy strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the role of the Navy [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 173-192]
  • Eslamee, M Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 51-72]
  • Ezzati, E The Impact of Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation on Iran's Geopolitical Strategy. (Centered on oil and gas). [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 55-76]


  • Fadaei, M The impact of Macro policies of resistancein the face of economic sanctions [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 33-59]
  • Faghih Ali Abadi, H Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 225-250]
  • Fahimi Khameneh, A The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 117-132]
  • Fahimi Khameneh, A The Role of Human Resources in the Development of asymmetric Warfare Doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 5-25]
  • Fahimi Khameneh, A Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 147-167]
  • Fakhreddin, V The function of territorial planning in economic defense with emphasis on the population [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 25-46]
  • Fakhri, M Investigating the role of intelligence command and control in knowledge defense [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 209-232]
  • Fakhri, M Designing a model of knowledge base defense organization [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 71-92]
  • Fakhri, M Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • Fakhri, M Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Falah, A Presenting a strategic pattern in Administration of sports affairs through formulating the I.R.I system's Experiences Based on Discourse of Tutelage of jurisprudent and the Constitution [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 307-328]
  • Fallah, A Abstract Effective considerations in designing a comprehensive deterrence model Based on the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 151-172]
  • Farahi, A Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 225-250]
  • Faraji, I The Role of Geopolitical and Geostrategic Elements in the Strategic Pattern for the Architecture of the IRI Armed Forces [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Faraji Rad, A.R Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 163-184]
  • Faraj Rad, A.R Analysis of Common Interests and Geopolitical Challenges Affecting the Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the South Persian Gulf Countries [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 427-452]
  • Farhang, M The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Faridi, S Explain the role of Imam Khamenei in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 29-52]
  • Farjami, M The role of organizational aspect of lifestyle to strengthen The internal construction of the armed forces the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 157-178]
  • Farji, I The Resistance Front Pattern From Imam Khamenei's Pont of View [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 81-98]
  • Fartok Zadeh, H.R Internal Formation and Accumulation of Technological Capabilities in Complex Product Systems: Case Study of Iran’s Aerospace Industry [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 263-288]
  • Fartookzadeh, H Explaining the role of Iranian-Islamic culture in the pattern of developments in the field of Defence-Security [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 285-306]
  • Fartookzadeh, H Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 77-97]
  • Farzandi, A.A Religious discipline in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran (with an attitude to the basics and principles and indicators) [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 118-144]
  • Farzaneh, Adel Smart defense model based on Internet of Things technology [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 69-92]
  • Fatemi nasab, A Geopolitical factors affecting the convergence of collective security in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 5-26]
  • Fateminasab, A Explanation of the intellectual foundations of Western military thought [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 95-114]
  • Fatemi Nesab, A The security model of geopolitical fragile areas studied in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 161-186]
  • Fathabadi, H The pattern of defensive organizations - the future military with the approach of scholars [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 283-306]
  • Fath Abadi, H Investigating knowledge management in knowledge-based organizations and its effect on the promotion of organizational entrepreneurship of the armed forces [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 275-292]
  • Fathi, M Analysis of the war game operation Fatah El Mobin [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 49-72]
  • Firoozabadi, S.H Strategic model of public security of the country with emphasis on passive defense [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 177-200]
  • Foladi, J Designing and compiling the strategic program of general sports of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 169-188]
  • Forouzandeh, L Presentation of the model of institutionalization in the Islamic Revolution based on the discourse of the Imam and the leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 153-177]
  • Forozan, H Presenting a strategic model of people-centered passive defense in dealing with the enemy's soft war [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 147-168]
  • Fraji, I The pattern of innovation in the Armed Forces in Imam Khamenei’s view [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 27-46]
  • Frozan, H A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 77-102]


  • Gasednezamiyan, J The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]
  • Ghader panah, F Organizational culture model of strategic navy Iran's J.A. Army [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 5-32]
  • Ghaderpanah, F Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Ghaderpanah, F The Impact of Marine Culture Development on Improving the Defense Capacity [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 109-128]
  • Ghaderpanah, F Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • Ghadyani Ghraghani, .A.R Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Ghafari, B Principles and effective factors in compiling the military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 201-222]
  • Ghafari, B Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 295-314]
  • Ghaffari, R Principles and effective factors in compiling the military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 201-222]
  • Ghafoori, D Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 231-232]
  • Ghamarianmoamare, I Explain the role of Imam Khamenei in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 29-52]
  • Ghanbari, M Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]
  • Ghanbari Jahromi, M.H The model of evaluating and measuring the power of the military organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 189-216]
  • Ghanizadeh, M In the case of progressing in the civil affairs and according to Imam and leader ship , speech , constitutional law experiences of Islamic republic of Iran organization and Utilizing the successful experiences of human [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 297-318]
  • Gharaei Ashtiyani, M Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gharaei Ashtiyani, M.R The I.R of Iran,s army strategic intelligence system Implementation requirmentsz [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 5-30]
  • Gharaei Ashtiyani, M.R The influence of social and cultural components on the defense deterrence of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 5-24]
  • Gharaie Ashtiani, M.I Provide a Strategic Role of Aid Organizational Activities Armey Avaition in natural crises [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 179-200]
  • Gharibi, A.R Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ghasempou, Gh.a Provide a Strategic Role of Aid Organizational Activities Armey Avaition in natural crises [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 179-200]
  • Ghazi, H The Role and Position of Technology Development in the Military Dimension of National Power [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 261-284]
  • Ghazi, H A study of Military Medicine Elements (Relief Chain, Transfer Chain, Treatment Chain) with Respect to the Requirements of Future Combat Environment. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 69-92]
  • Ghazi, H The Role of Geopolitical and Geostrategic Elements in the Strategic Pattern for the Architecture of the IRI Armed Forces [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Ghazi, H Specifying National Defense Courses in Strategic Sciences for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Faculty at SNDU Based on Needs Assessment [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 31-56]
  • Ghazi, H Needs Assessment of Strategic Sciences Trainings National Security Faculty of the Great Prophet (PBUH) National Defense University [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Ghazipoor, T Recognition of The Islamic Revolution Leader, Imam Khamenei’s Approach in managing Social Security System [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 81-112]
  • Ghazipour, T A Strategic Pattern in the Field of Social Security, Based on Practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 145-168]
  • Ghazipour, T Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Ghazipour, T Recognition of Imam Khomeini’s Approach in managing Social Security [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 33-59]
  • Ghodsi, A Regional security in West Asia: the Desirable Model for Iran [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 230-228]
  • Gholamalian, A Takfiri and Salafi Movements’ Internal Factors Threatening the Islamic World Security [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 217-240]
  • Gholamalian, A The Implications of Soft War for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Political Legitimacy [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 159-178]
  • Gholamalian, Ali reza Analyzing the available driving capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region(strengths and opportunities) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 5-26]
  • Gholamaliyan, A The Regionalism Process and its Implications for Strengthening the Regime’s Internal Structure [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 23-56]
  • Gholamaliyan, A Game theory models for the analysis of strategic crises of IRI (With emphasis on nuclear crisis) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 167-188]
  • Gholami, A Determining the role of science and technology in the Iranian-islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 137-158]
  • Gholami, A Policy Analysis Of Iran's Security And Defense Diplomacy With The People's Republic Of China [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 219-242]
  • Gholfam, E The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 211-232]
  • Gholinejad, S A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 183-210]
  • Gholinejad, S A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 4-44]
  • Ghorbanali, M An Approach to Present the Strategic Model of Administrating the Army Islamic Republic of Iran based on the Discourse of the Imam and the Leadership, the Constitution, the Experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Use of Successful Human Experiences [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 405-426]
  • Ghorbanali, M Thoughts, Opinions, and Guidelines of Velayat-e-Faqih (Imam Khomeini "may God have mercy on him" And Imam Khamenei) in the form of Strategic Axes of Administration in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 5-26]
  • Ghouchani, M.M Designing a strategic Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategic Navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 189-220]
  • Ghouchani, M.M The pattern of innovation in the Armed Forces in Imam Khamenei’s view [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 27-46]
  • Ghouchani, M.M The Role and Position of Technology Development in the Military Dimension of National Power [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 261-284]
  • Ghoudarzi, M Check the power connection with security(with approach to Islam) [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Godarzi, S The role of belief and ideological foundations in The military thought of the United States [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 156-137]
  • Golkariyan, D Strategies for Defense Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 295-324]
  • Golkaroyan, D Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Goodarzi, M Agent Cantered Military Doctrine anew Method in Asymetnic War Fare [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 117-137]
  • Goudarzi, B The Strategies for the psychological Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 79-110]


  • Habibi, N Providing a technical-engineering capability measurement model for military air power [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 165-188]
  • Habibiyan, M.H Team leadership merits in security organizations [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 159-188]
  • Hadiyan, M Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Hafezi, R Recognition of Imam Khomeini’s Approach in managing Social Security [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 33-59]
  • Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza Theoretical explanation of the influence of geographical and geopolitical factors of oceanic coastal areas on national security [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 26-5]
  • Hafeznia, Mohammad Reza Explaining the ratio of air power to the geopolitical weight of countries [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 137-158]
  • Hafezniya, M The most important geopolitical factors of Turkmenistan influencing the formulation of defense strategies Islamic Repulic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 149-172]
  • Hafezniya, M.R Explanation of the status of component maritime industries in the sea power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 79-102]
  • Hafezniya, M.R Analysis of Common Interests and Geopolitical Challenges Affecting the Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the South Persian Gulf Countries [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 427-452]
  • Hafezniya, M.R Geopolitical factors affecting the convergence of collective security in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 5-26]
  • Haidari, K Development of Full-inclusive Defense Military Strategies against the Probable Future War [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 33-52]
  • Hajiloo, A Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Hajiloo, A Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hajiloo, A Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 123-146]
  • Haji Zadeh, M.A Principles and effective factors in compiling the military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 201-222]
  • Haj Sadeghi, A Designning a pattern for arrogance –fighting for The Islamic Republic of Iran From the Views of Holy Quran Teachings [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 307-336]
  • Hakimi, Kh Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • Halili, Kh Smart defense model based on Internet of Things technology [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 69-92]
  • Hamedbabaei, M Management and Commandment in Conjunction with the Expectations of the Supreme Leader (P.H.): Indicators of Model [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Hamed Babaei, M The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 5-27]
  • Hamedi, M Simulation of emergency population evacuation scenarios in crowded places when a crisis occurs [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hamedi, M Simulation of emergency evacuation scenarios in overcrowded places during crisis [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 139-160]
  • HasanBaigy, E Explaining the Quality Measurement Components of the Human Resource Provision Management System in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 283-310]
  • Hasanlou, kh Smart defense theory in the defense thought field [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 29-47]
  • Hasanpoor, H Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hasanpour, H The influence of the natural geopolitical factors of the Persian Gulf on the formulation of strategies to increase the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 213-234]
  • Hasanvand, A.A Agile strategic indicators of human resources major combat units of land suitable for asymmetric threats [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 23-56]
  • Hashemitabar, S.A Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 295-314]
  • Hassan Beigi, E Designing an empowerment model for top managers of the Ministry of Energy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 221-250]
  • Hassan Beigi, I Convergent Technologies in Enhancing the IRI's Defensive Power [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 27-52]
  • Hassanbeygi, E The Quality Measurement Model of the MFA Human Resource Recruitment System [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 77-104]
  • Hassanlou, kh Designing a model of political relations between Islamic society and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Focusing on overall defense based on the pattern of three ramifications [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 151-178]
  • Hassanvand, A.A Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 281-304]
  • Hassanvand, A.A Indicators of innovation and creativity in agility of the military organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 27-47]
  • Hassanzadh, A Recognition of The Islamic Revolution Leader, Imam Khamenei’s Approach in managing Social Security System [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 81-112]
  • Hassanzhad Moghaddam, Sh Formulating the overall Defensive Strategies in the future war [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 289-312]
  • Hatahi, H The factors of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 5-28]
  • Hatami, A lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Hatami, A Factors affecting military deterrence in the field of sea and aerospace [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 99-118]
  • Hatami, H Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Hatami, H Developling counter cultural threats Strategies (TV satellite threats case) [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-76]
  • Hatami, H.R The characteristics of Strategic Desiging system in IRI Armed Forces [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 5-32]
  • Hatami, H.R Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle for the Armed Forces: Presentation of a Model [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 101-124]
  • Hatami, H.R. Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]
  • Hemati, M.R Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • Heydaei, K Agile strategic indicators of human resources major combat units of land suitable for asymmetric threats [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 23-56]
  • Heydari, K The approach of the ground forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in dealing with emerging military threats [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 103-122]
  • Heydari, Q Explaining the characteristics of the unequal war of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 203-230]
  • Horaei, M The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]
  • Hosaini, S.M Strategic pattern in the organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affairs on the experiences of the Islamic republic of Iran system [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 349-368]
  • Hoseyni nikoo, A Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Hosnavi, R Knowledge Management Model in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 81-108]
  • Hosni Saadi, H Theoretical explanation of the influence of geographical and geopolitical factors of oceanic coastal areas on national security [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 26-5]
  • Hosseini, H Presenting a strategic model of people-centered passive defense in dealing with the enemy's soft war [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 147-168]
  • Hosseini, K Presenting strategic model to measure IRI airpower for creating effective balance over enemies. [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 47-72]
  • Hosseini, S.H Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]
  • Hosseini, S.T Choosing best crisis management model resulting from natural disasters in target countries based on multiple criteria decision making (AHP) [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 301-320]
  • Hosseini, S.T Analyzing effective factors for managing public affairs against asymmetric threats in the view of passive defense using classified method (AHP) [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 125-144]
  • Hosseini nikoo, A Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 197-218]
  • Hosseini nikoo, A Improving the effectiveness of the strategic pattern of planning, Programming of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 129-148]
  • Hosseyni, H Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 33-62]
  • Hosseyni, S.T Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 29-48]
  • Husseini, S.H Effective Factors in Determination of Operational Manual of the IRI's Ground Forces in Symmetric and Asymmetric Wars [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-74]


  • Irani, Sh Defense diplomacy strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the role of the Navy [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 173-192]
  • Iraqi, A Determine the extent of the impact of the opportunities and threats of Islamic awakening on defense -security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (With emphasis on the opinions and ideas of Imam Khamenei) [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 73-98]
  • Iravani, M.J Presentation of the model of institutionalization in the Islamic Revolution based on the discourse of the Imam and the leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 153-177]
  • Izadi, M Conversation clerical authority in the field of defense –security [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 181-210]


  • Jabar Rashidi, A Mutual effects between knowledge-based defense and future wars [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 235-260]
  • Jabar Rashidi, Ali Investigating the role of intelligence command and control in knowledge defense [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 209-232]
  • Jafari, S.A Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Security through Defense Diplomacy Based on Imam Khamenei's Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 63-88]
  • Jafari Feshraki, P Simulation of emergency population evacuation scenarios in crowded places when a crisis occurs [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jafari.M., Gh Strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Imam and Leadership’s statements and Islamic republic’s experiences [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 165-187]
  • Jafarinia, A The requirements to achieve intelligence dominance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army are proportional to the upcoming military threats [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 217-250]
  • Jaferi, M.Gh Development of comprehensive defense strategies in the field of culture [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 75-98]
  • Jahanshahi, A Empower employees to explain the role of management in the armed forces [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 55-76]
  • Jahanshahi, A Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]
  • Jahanshahi, A Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 35-62]
  • Jahanshahi, A Characteristics of the future war affecting the operational continuity of ground combat [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Jalailvand, M.R Causes of Future Wars: A Dynamic Analysis by Means of Dynamic-system Approach [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 49-72]
  • Jalali, M Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 281-296]
  • Jalali farahani, Gh Explaining the Factors Affecting the Command and Control System of the Non-Operating Defense Organization [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Jalali Farahani, Gh Analyzing effective factors for managing public affairs against asymmetric threats in the view of passive defense using classified method (AHP) [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 125-144]
  • Jalali Farahani, Gh Strategies for the command and control system of non-operational defense in war situations. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 115-136]
  • Jalali Farahani, Gh.R Resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure with a passive defense approach [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 115-136]
  • Jalali Farahani, Q.R Antagonistic Media Space against the IRIB upon Passive Defense Approach: Designing the Strategic Environment [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 5-26]
  • Jamidiyan, H The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 115-140]
  • Jamshidiyan, H Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Javani, Y Visual model from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with the Emphatically of his , Word High Spirited [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 85-108]
  • Jiali, A.A Designing a model of political relations between Islamic society and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Focusing on overall defense based on the pattern of three ramifications [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 321-344]


  • Kabiri, A Development of Full-inclusive Defense Military Strategies against the Probable Future War [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 33-52]
  • Kaeinee, M.R Strategic and Efficient Factors in Securing Basic Needs (Food) from the Passive Defense Standpoint with the Focus on the Resistive Economy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 125-152]
  • Kaeini, M.R Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Kaenee, M.R Strategic and Efficient Factors in Securing Basic Needs (Food) from the Passive Defense Standpoint with the Focus on the Resistive Economy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 251-274]
  • Kalantari, F The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 217-242]
  • Kalantari, F Role of the military geopolitical factors in defense and security strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran against threats of United States of America and Takfiris originated from Iraq [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 307-330]
  • Kalantari, F Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]
  • Kalantari, F Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 200-175]
  • Kalantari, F The results of the war between Russia and Ukraine in the formation of the new world order [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kalhor, R Survey and Analaysis 33-day war to prevent military-security surprises [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 27-52]
  • Kamakar, M Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • Kamali, M Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 94-73]
  • Kamali, M.R Differences and Principles of the Battle of Equal and Non-aligned with the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Kamali, M.R The Islamic Republic of Iran's Defensive Strategy in the Face of Saudi Arabia: Geopolitical Opportunities and Strengths [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 73-96]
  • Kamali, M.R Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Kamali, M.R Geopolitical factors affecting the convergence of collective security in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 5-26]
  • Kamali, M.R Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 174-157]
  • Kamali, M.R The security model of geopolitical fragile areas studied in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 161-186]
  • Kamali, M.R Analyzing the available driving capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region(strengths and opportunities) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 5-26]
  • Kamali, R The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Kamali Dehghan, A Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kamkar, K Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 47-75]
  • Kamkar, M Model of Strategic Affairs Editor experiences of immigrants and foreign nationals through the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih and constitution on divine discourse [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 169-194]
  • Kamkar, M Strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Imam and Leadership’s statements and Islamic republic’s experiences [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 165-187]
  • Kamkar, M The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 211-232]
  • Kamkar, M Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 35-62]
  • Kamkar, M The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]
  • Karami Dostashah, B Strategies for acquiring the highest power of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Defense Forces in the South West Asia region [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 279-310]
  • Kargari, Gh Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 49-68]
  • Karimi, A Designing a strategic Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategic Navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 189-220]
  • Karimi, A Explanation of the status of component maritime industries in the sea power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 79-102]
  • Karimi, A The Architecture of Iranian Armed Forces from the Perspective of the Commander-in-chief (circumstances, solutions, and consequences) [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 81-104]
  • Kashani, H Pathology technology roadmapping models , identify challenges, and recommendations for improve it [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 49-72]
  • Kazemi., M The Architecture of Iranian Armed Forces from the Perspective of the Commander-in-chief (circumstances, solutions, and consequences) [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 81-104]
  • Kazemi Qomi, H The Resistance Front Pattern From Imam Khamenei's Pont of View [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 81-98]
  • Keshtkar, M Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khadayar, A Presenting a Conceptual Model of Reengineering Educational Processes of Universities and Higher Education Institutions Based on Lean Organizational Approach (Case : National Defense University) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 353-374]
  • Khademi, M Iran's regional power and its impact on Russia's foreign policy conformity and allighment [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 13-38]
  • Khademi, M.H Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 259-280]
  • Khademi, S.M Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 327-348]
  • Khademi, S.M Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 259-280]
  • Khajeh Hassani, K Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]
  • KhajehHassani, K Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 139-164]
  • Khajeh Hosseini, K Investigating knowledge management in knowledge-based organizations and its effect on the promotion of organizational entrepreneurship of the armed forces [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 275-292]
  • Khalafi, H The function of the command and leadership of Martyr Soleimani in the fight against ISIS in Iraq [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 145-164]
  • Khalili, E Team leadership merits in security organizations [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 159-188]
  • Khalili, E Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Khalilifar, S.O Pathology of the health of the Army of the Islamic epublic of Iran and providing solutions for its optimization [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 253-276]
  • Khalilipoor, S.A The Architecture of Iranian Armed Forces from the Perspective of the Commander-in-chief (circumstances, solutions, and consequences) [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 81-104]
  • Khalilipour, S.A Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 155-176]
  • Khalilipour, S.A Knowledge Management Enablers in the Armed Forces [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 83-124]
  • Khalili Shavarini, S Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 197-218]
  • Khamari, M Identification of Indicators Effecting on Hydropolytic Relationships of Iran and Turkmenistan with Emphasis on Atrak River [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 349-370]
  • Khankeh, H Choosing best crisis management model resulting from natural disasters in target countries based on multiple criteria decision making (AHP) [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 301-320]
  • Khanzadi, H Pattern of developing the roles of IRI navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 275-306]
  • Khanzadi, H Development of MAKRAN Coasts by Consideration of Sea Power Rehabilitation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 5-32]
  • Khanzadi, H Explanation of the status of component maritime industries in the sea power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 79-102]
  • Kharaziyan, p The role of air defense in stability of national power of Islamic republic of Iran (I.R.I) [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 63-86]
  • Khatami, S.M The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 329-352]
  • Khatami Firozabadi, S.M The pattern of defensive organizations - the future military with the approach of scholars [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 283-306]
  • Khayrandish, M Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 231-232]
  • Khazaeel, H The Role of Geopolitical and Geostrategic Elements in the Strategic Pattern for the Architecture of the IRI Armed Forces [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Khazaei, S Assessment and Prioritization of Long range Measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Military Field [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 287-306]
  • Kheyrati, A The guiding elements for Key Infrastructure Protection of Metropolitan [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Khorashadizade, M.R Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Khorashadizade, M.R Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Khorashadi zadeh, M.R Study of effective factors on decreasing of Pilots & Technical personnels’ Motivation of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 47-70]
  • Khorashadizadeh, M.R Doubt of the NAJA model of strategic management of passive defense in terms of implementation and execution against threats against the public security of the country [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 113-130]
  • KhorashadizadehM, R The Role of Geopolitical and Geostrategic Elements in the Strategic Pattern for the Architecture of the IRI Armed Forces [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 105-126]
  • Khorminia, M Religious discipline in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran (with an attitude to the basics and principles and indicators) [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 118-144]
  • Khorramshad, M.B Islamic Awakening Scenarios in Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 331-348]
  • Khoshchehre, M Strategic and Efficient Factors in Securing Basic Needs (Food) from the Passive Defense Standpoint with the Focus on the Resistive Economy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 251-274]
  • Khoshneshan, M Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khosravi, A Seven Skies of Defensive A Domestic Model of Aerospace Defense layers with a Mixed Approach (Operational and Industrial) [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 153-180]
  • Khosroo, s The Impact of Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation on Iran's Geopolitical Strategy. (Centered on oil and gas). [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 55-76]
  • Khosroojerdi, A Designing a model of knowledge base defense organization [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 71-92]
  • Khozin, H The security model of geopolitical fragile areas studied in the Persian Gulf region [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 161-186]
  • Kiani, S Strategies for acquiring the highest power of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Defense Forces in the South West Asia region [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 279-310]
  • Kiyani, S Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 305-328]
  • Kosha, H Explaining the principles of the Strategic Military-Security Doctrie of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 271-294]
  • Kouchakzadeh, R Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]


  • Mahdavi, A Development of Full-inclusive Defense Military Strategies against the Probable Future War [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 33-52]
  • Mahdinejad nori, M Investigating the role of intelligence command and control in knowledge defense [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 209-232]
  • Mahdi Nezhadnoori, M Design of research & development system of aerospace industrial organization (AIO) with strategic approach [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 61-79]
  • Mahdinezhad nori, M.R Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • Mahdi Nezhad Nouri, M Designing a model of knowledge base defense organization [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 71-92]
  • Mahmmodzadeh, E The pattern of innovation in the Armed Forces in Imam Khamenei’s view [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 27-46]
  • Mahmoodzade, E Investigation on Ambidextrous Dynamic Capabilities effective Factors At a Defensive-Industrial Organization [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 257-282]
  • Mahmoodzadeh, E Designing a strategic Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategic Navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 189-220]
  • Mahmoudi, M Features of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in upstream documents with the view of developing a strategic model for future armed forces architecture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 111-130]
  • Mahmoudi, S The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]
  • Mahmoudzadeh, E The Role and Position of Technology Development in the Military Dimension of National Power [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 261-284]
  • Majdzadeh, M Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]
  • Majdzadeh, S.R Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]
  • Majdzadeh, S.R Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Majidi, M Assessment and Prioritization of Long range Measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Military Field [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 287-306]
  • Majidi, M.N Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • Malayer, F Designing a strategic Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategic Navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 189-220]
  • Mami, M.H Impact of Atrak River Hydropolytic on Relations between Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkmenistan from 2000 to 2018 [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 383-404]
  • Manshadi, M.A Strategic model of technological innovation system in Hybrid war [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 23-56]
  • Manteghi, M Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 239-262]
  • Manteghi, M A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Mantegi, M Macro-factors that influence the strategic model design of quality management in the aviation industry [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 73-92]
  • Mardani, M Characteristics of the future war affecting the operational continuity of ground combat [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Mardani Shahrbabak, M Assessment and Prioritization of Long range Measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Military Field [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 287-306]
  • Marvinam, M.R The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 117-132]
  • MazaheriNia, M The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Areas of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 114-95]
  • Mehdi Nezhad Noori, M Mutual effects between knowledge-based defense and future wars [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 235-260]
  • Mehdi nezhad nouri, M Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • Mehdinezhd Nejadnori, M Effective Dimensions in Designing Policy Patterns in the Field of I.R.I’s Defense Technology and Innovation. [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 29-52]
  • Mehrabadi, H Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 295-314]
  • MehrAbadi Arani, H The effect of efficiency factors of the Islamic Republic on the formulation of the strategy of conceptual use of the internal part of the Islamic Revolution with spiritual emphasis of Imam Khamenei [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 71-98]
  • Mehraban, A Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Mehrabi, H Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Mervinam, M.R Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Mighani, A The component and indicators of manpower affecting the future air power. (In the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 73-98]
  • Minaei, H Empower employees to explain the role of management in the armed forces [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 55-76]
  • Mirzapour, J The Strategies for the command and management Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 253-278]
  • Miyar, Y Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 123-146]
  • Moazzami Guderzi, B Explaining the thoughts (opinions, thoughts and experiences) of the military Lieutenant General Martyr Ali Sayad Shirazi [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 193-214]
  • Mobinidehkodi, A Analysis of interaction between scientific authority and national authority [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 93-114]
  • Mobini Dehkordi, A Mission Statement of Strategic Management Faculty of Su-preme National Defense University Regarding Faculty’s Prevalent Educational System [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 115-147]
  • Mobini Dehkordi, A Strategic model of technological innovation system in Hybrid war [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 23-56]
  • Mobini Dehkordi, A Geopolitical Factors Affecting the Promotion of Regional Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study of Yemen) [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 57-82]
  • Modaber, L Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 163-184]
  • Moeinaddini, M Social Psychology and national mobilizition [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Moeinaddini, M Educational Needs Assessment Strategic Social Issues [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 203-224]
  • Moeinaddini, M Mission Statement of Strategic Management Faculty of Su-preme National Defense University Regarding Faculty’s Prevalent Educational System [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 115-147]
  • Mofakhami Shahrestani, H The role of geopolitical factors in the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 259-280]
  • Mofakhami Shahrestani, H Doubt of the NAJA model of strategic management of passive defense in terms of implementation and execution against threats against the public security of the country [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 113-130]
  • Mohaddes, H A Model for Assessing the Outcomes of Organizational Performance in Imam Khamenei's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 63-84]
  • Mohajer, R The Strategies for the command and management Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 253-278]
  • Mohamadi Monfared, H The results of the war between Russia and Ukraine in the formation of the new world order [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohamadinia, R Infrastructure protection model with emphasis on flexibility [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 259-280]
  • Mohammad Hossain, H The Impact of Defensive Intellectual Capital on the Strengthening the internal structure of Government the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Supreme Leader’s statements (God Extends His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 77-99]
  • Mohammad hossein, H Designation of air power superior in IR.IRAN [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 267-288]
  • Mohammadi, A The role of air defense in stability of national power of Islamic republic of Iran (I.R.I) [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 63-86]
  • Mohammadi, Reza The role of mobilizing national resources in future wars [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 109-136]
  • Mohammadi Monfared, H The results of the war between Russia and Ukraine in the formation of the new world order [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 178-210]
  • Mohammadineya, R Design strategic patterns of overall policies of deployment passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 139-163]
  • Mohammadinia, R Passive Defense Strategy in Technology [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 121-143]
  • Mohammadi -Nia, R Analyzing effective factors for managing public affairs against asymmetric threats in the view of passive defense using classified method (AHP) [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 125-144]
  • Mohammadi Saghei, F The component and indicators of manpower affecting the future air power. (In the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 73-98]
  • Mohammadpoor Shahkolaea, S Political Strategies of Total defense in Possible future war [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 99-119]
  • Mohebi, A The Strategies of the Regional Defensive Superpower in the Field of Militry based on 1404 Solar Perspective [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 53-74]
  • Mohebi, A Strategic pattern in the organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affairs on the experiences of the Islamic republic of Iran system [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 349-368]
  • Mojaradi, S The requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 169-190]
  • Mokhberdezfooli, M.R Developling counter cultural threats Strategies (TV satellite threats case) [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-76]
  • Molaei, S.Y Designing a transformational model of training and education in terms of professors and trainers based on the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's (Mudzaleh Al-Aali) menus in a military university [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 73-94]
  • Molemi, O The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Areas of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 114-95]
  • Momen, S Factors Influencing the Formation of the Defense Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Emphasis on the Gulf Region [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 125-150]
  • Momen, S Differences and Principles of the Battle of Equal and Non-aligned with the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 5-28]
  • Momeni, E Tehran,s Strategic behavioral Traffic Model [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 71-88]
  • Momeni, E Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Momeni, M The preparation of human resource strategies in all out defense at future possible war [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 75-100]
  • Moosavi, S.A Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 147-167]
  • Moosavi, S.A.R companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 119-137]
  • Moosavi Nezhad, M The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Moradeian, M Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]
  • Moradi, A Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Moradi, F The Strategies for the command and management Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 253-278]
  • Moradi, F Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 197-218]
  • Moradi, Gh.A Abstract Effective considerations in designing a comprehensive deterrence model Based on the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 151-172]
  • Moradi, H The Impact of Family Television Satellite TV and Coping Strategies [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 229-258]
  • Moradi, Maryam Investigating effective spatial components in urban warfare based on structural equation modeling [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 95-118]
  • Moradian, B Management and Commandment in Conjunction with the Expectations of the Supreme Leader (P.H.): Indicators of Model [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Moradian, M The strategic role of the Air Force in the political dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the eight years of holy defense [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 27-48]
  • Moradian, M The requirements to achieve intelligence dominance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army are proportional to the upcoming military threats [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 217-250]
  • Moradiyan, B Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]
  • Moradiyan, M Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 327-348]
  • Moradiyan, M Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]
  • Moradiyan, M The factors of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 5-28]
  • Moradiyan, M Assessment and Prioritization of Long range Measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Military Field [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 287-306]
  • Moradiyan, M Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 259-280]
  • Morad Piri, H.M Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 315-332]
  • Moslemi, H Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 139-164]
  • Motaghi, E The factors of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 5-28]
  • Motaginezhad, S.N Clarifying the Indexes and Criterions of the Strategic Component of Human Resource Selection According to Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 137-155]
  • Motamedian, E Assessing Sub-factors of Superiority Factors with Asymmetric Threats Approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Motazaviyan Farsani, S.A The military doctrine is a modern-day agent in asymmetric wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 47-62]
  • Mousakhani, M Investigation on Ambidextrous Dynamic Capabilities effective Factors At a Defensive-Industrial Organization [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 257-282]
  • Mousavi, S.A The factors that affecting on empowering schools of armed forces of republic Islamic of Iran in personal domain [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 27-50]
  • Movafeghi, A Design of research & development system of aerospace industrial organization (AIO) with strategic approach [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 61-79]
  • Movahedisefat, M A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Movahhedi Sefat, M.R Smart defense model based on Internet of Things technology [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 69-92]


  • NabiZadeh, B Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 174-157]
  • Naderi, S Identification of the requirements of deterrence enhancement using fossil energy transit management in a region [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 5-22]
  • Naderi, S The I.R of Iran,s army strategic intelligence system Implementation requirmentsz [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 5-30]
  • Naeini, A Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 33-62]
  • Naghezadeh, Y Designing of Economic Defense Strategies (Based on the guidelines and documents of the Supreme Leader) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 117-138]
  • Najafi, E The effect of efficiency factors of the Islamic Republic on the formulation of the strategy of conceptual use of the internal part of the Islamic Revolution with spiritual emphasis of Imam Khamenei [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 71-98]
  • Name, M.H Identification of Indicators Effecting on Hydropolytic Relationships of Iran and Turkmenistan with Emphasis on Atrak River [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 349-370]
  • Nami, M.H Analysis of Common Interests and Geopolitical Challenges Affecting the Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the South Persian Gulf Countries [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 427-452]
  • Nami, M.H Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]
  • Narenji, F Presenting a Conceptual Model of Reengineering Educational Processes of Universities and Higher Education Institutions Based on Lean Organizational Approach (Case : National Defense University) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 353-374]
  • Nasirpour, Gh Understanding the functional dimensions of takfiri movements with a military-security approach [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 239-258]
  • Nasirzadeh, A The strategic role of the Air Force in the political dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the eight years of holy defense [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 27-48]
  • Nasrallahzadeh, M.J Designing a model of political relations between Islamic society and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Focusing on overall defense based on the pattern of three ramifications [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 321-344]
  • Nasri, F Designing a strategic Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategic Navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 189-220]
  • NasrollahZadeh, M A Strategic Pattern in the Field of Social Security, Based on Practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 145-168]
  • Nasroullazadeh, S.J Strategic pattern in the organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affairs on the experiences of the Islamic republic of Iran system [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 349-368]
  • Navvab Esfehani, M.R Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 155-176]
  • Nazarinejad, A,.A Adopt passive defense strategies to protect the critical infrastructure of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 313-336]
  • Nazarinezhad, A.A Features of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in upstream documents with the view of developing a strategic model for future armed forces architecture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 111-130]
  • Nazemi, A Pathology technology roadmapping models , identify challenges, and recommendations for improve it [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 49-72]
  • Nejate Monfared, A Effective Intimidating Geopolitical Grounds in Developing the IRI's Defensive Strategies versus Oman [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 5-26]
  • Nekoei, M.A Simulation of emergency population evacuation scenarios in crowded places when a crisis occurs [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nekooie, M Key elements of biological defense in the field of drinking water distribution [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Nekooie, M.A Simulation of emergency evacuation scenarios in overcrowded places during crisis [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 139-160]
  • Nekoui, M.A Resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure with a passive defense approach [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 115-136]
  • Nezami poor, Gh Iran's regional power and its impact on Russia's foreign policy conformity and allighment [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 13-38]
  • Nezamipoor, Gh Social Psychology and national mobilizition [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 143-168]
  • Nezamipoor, Gh Strateges and economic diplomacy requirents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Oman [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 129-150]
  • Nezamipor, G Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Nezamipour, Gh Survey and Analaysis 33-day war to prevent military-security surprises [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 27-52]
  • Nezami puor, Gh The Resistance Front Pattern From Imam Khamenei's Pont of View [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 81-98]
  • NezhadIrani, F Presenting a strategic model for military hospital agility in defense crises [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 222-201]
  • Nikkhah, M.H Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 327-348]
  • Nilforoshan, Abbas Prioritizing the components and indicators of Hybrid warfare with the Analytic Hierarchy process method [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 121-140]
  • Niroomand, H Employee performance appraisal pattern of military organizations [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 289-312]
  • Niroomand, H Individual characteristics indicators Evaluate the performance of employees of military organizations [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 131-154]
  • Niroumand, H The role of geopolitical factors in the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 259-280]
  • Noorhashmi, H,.A The requirements to achieve intelligence dominance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army are proportional to the upcoming military threats [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 217-250]
  • Nooshadi, Gh Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]
  • Noozari, F The impact of natural and human geopolitical factors Oman Sea littoral states on the defense strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 349-374]
  • Noozari, F The impact of political factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 165-188]
  • Nori, A Present of Supreme Leader’s Mental System in Field Of Corresponding Relations of Society and Arm Services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 177-202]
  • Nori, A The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 157-178]
  • Nori, A Social and cultural relations with the armed forces and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 89-117]
  • Noroozani, Sh Characteristics of the future war affecting the operational continuity of ground combat [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 5-26]
  • Noroozani, Sh Analysis of the war game operation Fatah El Mobin [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 49-72]
  • Noruzani, Sh Takfiri and Salafi Movements’ Internal Factors Threatening the Islamic World Security [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 217-240]
  • Nouri, M Assessing Sub-factors of Superiority Factors with Asymmetric Threats Approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Nourozi, D Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Nowrozani, Sh The requirements to achieve intelligence dominance of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army are proportional to the upcoming military threats [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 217-250]
  • Nowzari, F A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 4-44]
  • Nozari, F The Impact of Geopolitical Factors (Political, Economic, Cultural and Military) of Makran Shores on the Oman Sea Basin on Formation of Iran's Defense Strategy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 263-286]
  • Nozari, F Explaining the principles of the Strategic Military-Security Doctrie of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 271-294]
  • Nozari, F A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 183-210]
  • Nozari, F The role of geoeconomic factors in promoting the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 159-180]


  • Ojaghi, A Determining the role of science and technology in the Iranian-islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 137-158]
  • Ojaghi, A Designing of strategic model of the science and technology Macro policies implementation in the universities of the islamic republic of iran army [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 169-194]


  • Paghouhanfar, M Designing a model of transformation and excellence of organizational culture in the armed forces From the point of view of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 93-116]
  • Palouj, M Analysis of the discourse of the province in the Department of Agriculture [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 259-280]
  • Palvj, M Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 327-348]
  • PashaeiHoulaso, A The role and impact of knowledge management model for the transmission of culture war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 52-82]
  • Peikarnegar, A Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]
  • Peikarnegar, A Human resource managers' competency model based on the values of the Islamic (Revolution Case Study the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 189-213]
  • Peikarnegar, A Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle for the Armed Forces: Presentation of a Model [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 101-124]
  • Pejohan Far, M Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 45-72]
  • Peykarnegar, A Schools Claiming Lifestyle in Reliance with the Indicators of the Supreme School: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 97-120]
  • Piri, H.M Evaluation and Pathology of Defense Readiness curriculum in General Education [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 91-112]
  • Poorsadegh, N Effective Dimensions in Designing Policy Patterns in the Field of I.R.I’s Defense Technology and Innovation. [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 29-52]
  • Poorsadegh, N Navy commanders and senior executives strategic empowerment strategy in the cultural sphere [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 31-43]
  • Poorsadegh, N The function of the command and leadership of Martyr Soleimani in the fight against ISIS in Iraq [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 145-164]
  • Poorsdegh, N Organizational culture model of strategic navy Iran's J.A. Army [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 5-32]
  • Poorshasb, A Provide an organization's upgrade template for future combat wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 5-26]
  • Poorshasb, A Strategies of the Activity Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 53-74]
  • Poorshasb, A Thoughts, Opinions, and Guidelines of Velayat-e-Faqih (Imam Khomeini "may God have mercy on him" And Imam Khamenei) in the form of Strategic Axes of Administration in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 5-26]
  • Poorshasb, A Explaining the characteristics of the unequal war of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 203-230]
  • Poorshasb, A.A due to the rapid changes of military technology and enhancing the capabilities of the enemies in the air threats against radar systems, Especially in the fields of discover, identify and target acquisition and Hitting, the main question of this study that defined the Applied and developmental research with emphasis Case And Field Study in mixed method, "estimation of the main air threats affecting the Khatam al-anbiya's (pbuh) radar systems in The [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 57-80]
  • Poorshasb, A.A The strategic role of the Air Force in the political dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the eight years of holy defense [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 27-48]
  • Pourkarimi, J Presenting a Conceptual Model of Reengineering Educational Processes of Universities and Higher Education Institutions Based on Lean Organizational Approach (Case : National Defense University) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 353-374]
  • Poursadegh, N Pathology of the health of the Army of the Islamic epublic of Iran and providing solutions for its optimization [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 253-276]
  • Poursadegh, N present of strategies for improving utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle to increase of combat power of Islamic republic of IRAN’s arm services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 153-176]
  • Poursadegh, N Human resource managers' competency model based on the values of the Islamic (Revolution Case Study the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 189-213]
  • Poursadegh, N Survey and Analaysis 33-day war to prevent military-security surprises [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 27-52]
  • Pourshab, A.A Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 247-270]
  • Pourshasab, A.A The approach of the ground forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in dealing with emerging military threats [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 103-122]
  • Pourshasab, A.A Explaining the thoughts (opinions, thoughts and experiences) of the military Lieutenant General Martyr Ali Sayad Shirazi [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 193-214]
  • Pourshasb, A An Approach to Present the Strategic Model of Administrating the Army Islamic Republic of Iran based on the Discourse of the Imam and the Leadership, the Constitution, the Experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Use of Successful Human Experiences [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 405-426]
  • Pourshasb, A.A Seven Skies of Defensive A Domestic Model of Aerospace Defense layers with a Mixed Approach (Operational and Industrial) [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 153-180]
  • Pourshasb, A.A Adopt passive defense strategies to protect the critical infrastructure of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 313-336]
  • Pousadegh, N A Model for Assessing the Outcomes of Organizational Performance in Imam Khamenei's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 63-84]
  • Purdastan, A.R Factors and characteristics of the fourth generation of wars affecting the future war scene [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 117-202]


  • Qadiani, A.R Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]
  • Qaraei Ashtiani, M.R Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 123-146]
  • Qasempur, Gh.A Schools Claiming Lifestyle in Reliance with the Indicators of the Supreme School: A Comparative Study [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 97-120]
  • Qureshi, A.R Economic components and indicators affecting the defense relations between Iran and Central Asian countries [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 53-74]


  • Raee, J Macro-factors that influence the strategic model design of quality management in the aviation industry [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 73-92]
  • Rafiee, M Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 247-270]
  • Rafiei, M Investigating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and the fall of Mosul From the perspective of military security surprise [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 53-78]
  • Rahimi, A Internal Formation and Accumulation of Technological Capabilities in Complex Product Systems: Case Study of Iran’s Aerospace Industry [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 263-288]
  • Rahim Safavi, S.Y The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]
  • RahimSafavi, S.Y Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 35-62]
  • Rahmani, M Designing a knowledge management implementation model in the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on structural equation modeling [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 122-99]
  • Rahmani, M.a Political Strategies of Total defense in Possible future war [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 99-119]
  • Rahmani, M.A Islamic Awakening Scenarios in Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 331-348]
  • Rahmani. M , Khakzar Befroui, M Designing a knowledge management implementation model in the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on structural equation modeling [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 122-99]
  • Rahmatei, R The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Rashid, G.A Explain the teachings of jihad jihadist influence on the morale of the armed forces. [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 5-26]
  • Rashid, Gh Iran's regional power and its impact on Russia's foreign policy conformity and allighment [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 13-38]
  • Rashid, Gh Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 247-270]
  • Rashid, Gh Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-24]
  • Rashid, Gh.A The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 217-242]
  • Rashid, Gh.A Factors and characteristics of the fourth generation of wars affecting the future war scene [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 117-202]
  • Rashid, Gh.A Theoretical explanation of the influence of geographical and geopolitical factors of oceanic coastal areas on national security [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 26-5]
  • Rashidi, Gh Development of Full-inclusive Defense Military Strategies against the Probable Future War [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 33-52]
  • Rashidi, Gh Formulating the overall Defensive Strategies in the future war [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 289-312]
  • Rashidi, Gh The role and impact of knowledge management model for the transmission of culture war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 52-82]
  • Rashvand, N Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]
  • Reyvandi, R The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Areas of regional and global power with regard to the geopolitical territory of the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 114-95]
  • Rezaee, Y Investigating the effect of communicative sports on the physical fitness of military personnel (Emphasis on a Ranger Unit) [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 195-218]
  • Rezaei, A A study of Military Medicine Elements (Relief Chain, Transfer Chain, Treatment Chain) with Respect to the Requirements of Future Combat Environment. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 69-92]
  • Rezaei, D Checking the barriers to Independence of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 231-256]
  • Rezaei, M Factors and characteristics of the fourth generation of wars affecting the future war scene [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 117-202]
  • Rezaei, M A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Rezaei, S Power, vision, superior defense power, strategy, politics [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 195-216]
  • Rezai, S Presentation of the model of institutionalization in the Islamic Revolution based on the discourse of the Imam and the leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 153-177]
  • Rezayat, gh Individual characteristics indicators Evaluate the performance of employees of military organizations [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 131-154]
  • Rezayat, Gh Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Riyazi, V Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 94-73]
  • Riyazi, V The present article has been taken from a research aimed at achieving a strategic model of providing people’s basic needs in crisis caused by unbalanced wars, which analyzes the dimensions of security and shelter [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 141-168]
  • Romina, E Explaining the ratio of air power to the geopolitical weight of countries [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 137-158]
  • Romina, R Theoretical explanation of the influence of geographical and geopolitical factors of oceanic coastal areas on national security [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 26-5]
  • Roshani, R The leader-oriented (Faqih-oriented) armed forces theory based on Imam Khamenei’s views [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 93-124]
  • Roshani, R Perspective and strategy priorities of Islamic Republic of Iran for confronting psychological operation of enemies. [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 121-142]
  • Roshani, R Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 139-164]
  • Roshani, R The Effect of Future Threats in the Desirable Command in Islamic Republic of Iran Military Organizations. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Rostami, M Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 163-184]
  • Rostami Moradi, M.S Strategic model of public security of the country with emphasis on passive defense [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 177-200]
  • Rzayat, Gh.H Employee performance appraisal pattern of military organizations [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 289-312]


  • Saadati, M Designing a model of knowledge base defense organization [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 71-92]
  • Saadati, M Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Saadati, M Key elements of biological defense in the field of drinking water distribution [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 77-102]
  • Saadat rad, A.R Formulating the overall Defensive Strategies in the future war [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 289-312]
  • Saadatrad, A Role of the military geopolitical factors in defense and security strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran against threats of United States of America and Takfiris originated from Iraq [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 307-330]
  • Saadat‌ Rad, A The approach of the ground forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in dealing with emerging military threats [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 103-122]
  • Saadat Rad, A A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 183-210]
  • Saadat Rad, A.R The Regionalism Process and its Implications for Strengthening the Regime’s Internal Structure [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 23-56]
  • SaberMogadam, H The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Sabzi, H Game theory models for the analysis of strategic crises of IRI (With emphasis on nuclear crisis) [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 167-188]
  • Sadeghi, N Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 77-97]
  • Sadeghi, S Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 305-328]
  • Sadeghi Goghri, S Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 94-73]
  • Sadeqi Nasab, M Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle for the Armed Forces: Presentation of a Model [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 101-124]
  • Saeid, A Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle for the Armed Forces: Presentation of a Model [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 101-124]
  • Saeidi, A Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 33-62]
  • Saeidi, A Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Safaei, G The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 211-232]
  • Safai, A.H The macro-trends of spirituality and ethics in the second step of the Islamic revolution from the perspective of Imam Khamenei [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 27-52]
  • Safavi, Seyed. Y Analyzing the available driving capacities in order to promote the geopolitical power of the Republic of Iran in the West Asian region(strengths and opportunities) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 5-26]
  • Safavi, S.H Cognition of Geopolitical Crisis in The Persian Gulf Area [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 5-32]
  • Safavi, S.Y The factors of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 5-28]
  • Safavi, S.Y. Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]
  • Saiedi, A Strategies for improving the human capital capability of major helicopter units in accordance with future wars [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 53-76]
  • Salami, H Identify and determine effective factors establishing a military command and control information and communication system network-based with knowledge management approach [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Salami, H Presentation Defensive pattern of the ideas of Imam Khamenei [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 5-32]
  • Salami, H Planning of the strategic management model of aviation system in the space of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 5-26]
  • Salami, H Presenting strategic model to measure IRI airpower for creating effective balance over enemies. [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 47-72]
  • Salami, H Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 123-146]
  • Salami, H Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 33-62]
  • Salami, H A Model for Assessing the Outcomes of Organizational Performance in Imam Khamenei's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 63-84]
  • Saleh Esfehani, A The Resistance Front Pattern From Imam Khamenei's Pont of View [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 81-98]
  • Salehi, Z Designing a model of political relations between Islamic society and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Focusing on overall defense based on the pattern of three ramifications [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 321-344]
  • Salehi Asl, H The preparation of human resource strategies in all out defense at future possible war [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 75-100]
  • Saleh Isfahani, A Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 197-218]
  • Salmani, A Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Salmani, A determine the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training in the armed forces s [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 33-54]
  • Salmani, A.A Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 73-94]
  • Salmani, A.A Designing a transformational model of training and education in terms of professors and trainers based on the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's (Mudzaleh Al-Aali) menus in a military university [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 73-94]
  • SalMani, A Investigating the effect of communicative sports on the physical fitness of military personnel (Emphasis on a Ranger Unit) [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 195-218]
  • Sameti, M Investigating and Analyzing the Beginning of Iraq's Imposed War on the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Military Security Surprise [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 247-270]
  • Sameti, M Semi-model strategic of the subordination and the substance of borderguarding in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 5-28]
  • Sanjagh, M.E Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 77-97]
  • Sanjaghi, M.E Knowledge Management Model in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 81-108]
  • Sanjaqi, M.E Knowledge Management Elements in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 25-46]
  • Sanqi, M.E Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 225-250]
  • Saremi, M.D Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-24]
  • Sa’adat Arkani njd., M Development of Full-inclusive Defense Military Strategies against the Probable Future War [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 33-52]
  • Sa’adatrad, A Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 295-314]
  • Sa’adatrad, A.R The Main Challenges in the Face of the IRI’s Defense Policy; An Explanation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 195-216]
  • Sa’adatRad, A A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 4-44]
  • Sarvar, R The Impact of Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation on Iran's Geopolitical Strategy. (Centered on oil and gas). [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 55-76]
  • Savehdoroudi, M Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Sayari, H Pathology of the health of the Army of the Islamic epublic of Iran and providing solutions for its optimization [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 253-276]
  • Sayari, H Pattern of developing the roles of IRI navy [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 275-306]
  • Sayari, H The impact of Military factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 27-54]
  • Sayari, H Design strategic model civil defense southern ports with an emphasis on document features maritime threats [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 49-70]
  • Sayari, H The role of geoeconomic factors in promoting the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 159-180]
  • Sayyari, H Development of MAKRAN Coasts by Consideration of Sea Power Rehabilitation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 5-32]
  • Sayyari, H Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 99-121]
  • Sayyari, H Explanation of the status of component maritime industries in the sea power of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 79-102]
  • Seif, A Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Seif, A,M The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Sepandasa, M.M Designing a model of political relations between Islamic society and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Focusing on overall defense based on the pattern of three ramifications [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 321-344]
  • Sepandasa, M.M Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 281-296]
  • Sepehri, M Smart defense model based on Internet of Things technology [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 69-92]
  • Seyf, A Improving the effectiveness of the strategic pattern of planning, Programming of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 129-148]
  • Seyf, A.M Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 197-218]
  • Seyf, A.M The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Shabani, Gh R Presenting a strategic pattern in Administration of sports affairs through formulating the I.R.I system's Experiences Based on Discourse of Tutelage of jurisprudent and the Constitution [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 307-328]
  • Shabani, H The approach of the ground forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in dealing with emerging military threats [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 103-122]
  • Shabani Bahar, Gh.R Designing and compiling the strategic program of general sports of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 169-188]
  • Shabani fard, M Effective Dimensions in Designing Policy Patterns in the Field of I.R.I’s Defense Technology and Innovation. [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 29-52]
  • Shademani, A Strategies for improving the human capital capability of major helicopter units in accordance with future wars [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 53-76]
  • Shafiee, M.H Effective Intimidating Geopolitical Grounds in Developing the IRI's Defensive Strategies versus Oman [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 5-26]
  • Shafiei, M.H Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 99-121]
  • Shahcheraghi, H Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 77-97]
  • Shahgholian Ghahfrakhi, R Designing a transformational model of training and education in terms of professors and trainers based on the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's (Mudzaleh Al-Aali) menus in a military university [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 73-94]
  • Shahgholiyanghahfarokhi, R Explain the role of Imam Khamenei in leading the leadership of the Resistance Front [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 29-52]
  • Shahraayini, I Features of the optimal defense policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 191-212]
  • Shahrayeni, E Artsh Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with asymmetric threatsKhatmalanbya’Yganhay HvayyIdentification and evaluation of important factors and indices feisty defense headquarters of the major Ansany [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 77-100]
  • Shahrayeni, E Effective Factors in Determination of Operational Manual of the IRI's Ground Forces in Symmetric and Asymmetric Wars [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 53-74]
  • Shahrivar, M The Strategies for the command and management Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 253-278]
  • Shahverdi, I Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 163-184]
  • Shakohi, H Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 123-146]
  • Shakohi, H Strategies for improving the human capital capability of major helicopter units in accordance with future wars [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 53-76]
  • Shamohammadi, M Passive Defense Strategy in Technology [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 121-143]
  • Shamsaei zafarghandea, F In the case of progressing in the civil affairs and according to Imam and leader ship , speech , constitutional law experiences of Islamic republic of Iran organization and Utilizing the successful experiences of human [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 297-318]
  • ShamsDaulatabadi, M.R Economic components and indicators affecting the defense relations between Iran and Central Asian countries [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 53-74]
  • Shams Dolatabadi, S.M.R Strategies for Defense Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 295-324]
  • Shams DolatAbadi, S.M Factors Influencing the Formation of the Defense Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Emphasis on the Gulf Region [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 125-150]
  • Shams DolatAbadi, S.M Development of comprehensive defense strategies in the field of culture [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 75-98]
  • Shams DolatiabadiS, S.M Presentation of the model of institutionalization in the Islamic Revolution based on the discourse of the Imam and the leader [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 153-177]
  • Shams Doulatabadi, S. M. R Comprehensive framework for formulating defense – Security strategies I.R.I with the local approach [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 125-156]
  • Shams Doulatabadi, S.M.R Causes of Future Wars: A Dynamic Analysis by Means of Dynamic-system Approach [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 49-72]
  • Shams Doulatabadi, S.M.R The formulation of economic strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran inCentral Asia With an emphasis on geopolitical concerns [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 223-246]
  • Shams Dovlat abadi, S.M.R Analysis of Economic Sanctions in RAMCAP Systematic Method to Design Strategies of Confronting Resistive Economy [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 81-112]
  • Shamshiri, A Islamic Jurisprudence in the Culture of the IRI's Counterintelligence Agencies: Position [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 75-100]
  • Shariati, Sh Sanctity of human life in war: A Shia Glance [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 193-212]
  • Shariati, Sh Immunizing the Society versus the Alien Culture [Volume 13, Issue 60, 2015, Pages 125-143]
  • Sharifan, E Investigating the strategic components of "cultural beliefs" of takfiri currents for reconciling the unity and religiosity in the world of Islam [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 277-300]
  • Sharifan, E Understanding the functional dimensions of takfiri movements with a military-security approach [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 239-258]
  • Sharifan, M Agent Cantered Military Doctrine anew Method in Asymetnic War Fare [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 117-137]
  • Sharifan, M.A present of strategies for improving utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle to increase of combat power of Islamic republic of IRAN’s arm services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 153-176]
  • Sharifan, M.E Study of effective factors on decreasing of Pilots & Technical personnels’ Motivation of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 47-70]
  • Sharifi, Sh The leader-oriented (Faqih-oriented) armed forces theory based on Imam Khamenei’s views [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 93-124]
  • Sharifi, Sh Comprehensive framework for formulating defense – Security strategies I.R.I with the local approach [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 125-156]
  • Sharifi, Sh The formulation of economic strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran inCentral Asia With an emphasis on geopolitical concerns [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 223-246]
  • Shayan Shafiee Nick, A Determine the extent of the impact of the opportunities and threats of Islamic awakening on defense -security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (With emphasis on the opinions and ideas of Imam Khamenei) [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 73-98]
  • Sheikh, A.R The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Sheykholeslam, K Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Shirazi, H Determining the role of science and technology in the Iranian-islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 137-158]
  • Shirazi, H Specifying National Defense Courses in Strategic Sciences for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Faculty at SNDU Based on Needs Assessment [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 31-56]
  • Shirazi, H Needs Assessment of Strategic Sciences Trainings National Security Faculty of the Great Prophet (PBUH) National Defense University [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Shirazi, J Visual model from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with the Emphatically of his , Word High Spirited [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 85-108]
  • Shirazi, J The model of hostility from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with emphasis on Zionism [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 151-176]
  • Shirazi, S.A.R Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Shoja´ei, Sh Providing a technical-engineering capability measurement model for military air power [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 165-188]
  • Shojaee estabragh, Sh The survey of electronic intelligence role for I.R.IRAN surprise prevention and proper model presentation(with air collection emphasize) [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 163-194]
  • Shojaei, Sh Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Shojaei, Shahram The component and indicators of manpower affecting the future air power. (In the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran) [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 73-98]
  • Shojafard, J The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 329-352]
  • Shokohi, H Providing an Indigenous Model for Measurement of IRI, Military Forces, Morale and Motivation [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 307-326]
  • Shokohi, H Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Shokouhi, H Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sobhanifar, A Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 33-62]
  • Sohrabi, .H Strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Imam and Leadership’s statements and Islamic republic’s experiences [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 165-187]
  • Sokoot, M.R The Quality Measurement Model of the MFA Human Resource Recruitment System [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 77-104]
  • Sokoot, M.R Explaining the Quality Measurement Components of the Human Resource Provision Management System in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 283-310]
  • Soleimani, Davood The preparation of human resource strategies in all out defense at future possible war [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 75-100]
  • Soleimani Soochalmaei, D Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 225-250]
  • Soltaniyan, J Explaining the role of Iranian-Islamic culture in the pattern of developments in the field of Defence-Security [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 285-306]
  • Soltaniyan, J Explanation of the intellectual foundations of Western military thought [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 95-114]
  • Sourani, A The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]


  • Tafte, Gh Strategies for improving the human capital capability of major helicopter units in accordance with future wars [Volume 21, Issue 94, 2023, Pages 53-76]
  • Tafteh, G Passive Defense in the IRI's Defensive Strategy: Role and Position [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 99-116]
  • Tafteh, G Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop a defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Tafteh, G The effect of religious values and moral principles of the sacred defense war and future wars (Case Army) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 137-158]
  • Tafteh, G The most important geopolitical factors of Turkmenistan influencing the formulation of defense strategies Islamic Repulic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 149-172]
  • Tafteh, G The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader. [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 231-256]
  • Tafti, M.R Strategic model of defense diplomacy of Islmic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 266-245]
  • Taghavi, S.R The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Taghi poor, R Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]
  • Taghipoor, v Clarifying the Indexes and Criterions of the Strategic Component of Human Resource Selection According to Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 137-155]
  • Taheri, S Understanding the strategic components of security in the Islamic world by approaching the geopolitical position of the Islamic world [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 179-208]
  • Taheri, S Check the power connection with security(with approach to Islam) [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Taheri, S Physical and spiritual discipline, spiritual discipline of staff of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 83-106]
  • Taheri, S The Implications of Soft War for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Political Legitimacy [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 159-178]
  • Taheri Moghaddam, A.R Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-24]
  • Tahmasabi, P Presenting a strategic model of people-centered passive defense in dealing with the enemy's soft war [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 147-168]
  • Tahmasbi, S Internal Formation and Accumulation of Technological Capabilities in Complex Product Systems: Case Study of Iran’s Aerospace Industry [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 263-288]
  • Tajabad, H Management and Commandment in Conjunction with the Expectations of the Supreme Leader (P.H.): Indicators of Model [Volume 13, Issue 59, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Tajabady, H The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Tajabady, H The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]
  • Talebiyan, A.R due to the rapid changes of military technology and enhancing the capabilities of the enemies in the air threats against radar systems, Especially in the fields of discover, identify and target acquisition and Hitting, the main question of this study that defined the Applied and developmental research with emphasis Case And Field Study in mixed method, "estimation of the main air threats affecting the Khatam al-anbiya's (pbuh) radar systems in The [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 57-80]
  • Talebiyan, A.R The role of organizational aspect of lifestyle to strengthen The internal construction of the armed forces the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 157-178]
  • Taqawi Fard, S.M.T The pattern of defensive organizations - the future military with the approach of scholars [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 283-306]
  • Tarhani, F Identification of the factors involved in the implementation of KM in defense industries [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 201-229]
  • Tarhani, F Investigating the Effectiveness of the Fund for Supporting Research, Innovation and Development of Defense Technologies on the Agility of Defense Research Organizations [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 207-230]
  • Taslimikar, B Geopolitical Factors Affecting the Promotion of Regional Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study of Yemen) [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 57-82]
  • Taslimkar, B Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 25-44]
  • Tavakoli, H The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]
  • Tavalaei, M A Model for Assessing the Outcomes of Organizational Performance in Imam Khamenei's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 63-84]
  • Tawhidi, A Strategies of in-service training in the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 92, 2023, Pages 49-68]
  • Tila, Sh Mutual effects between knowledge-based defense and future wars [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 235-260]
  • Tila, S.H The Impact of Family Television Satellite TV and Coping Strategies [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 229-258]
  • Tohid, A Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2019, Pages 147-167]
  • Tohidi, A Check the power connection with security(with approach to Islam) [Volume 15, Issue 67, 2017, Pages 101-124]
  • Tohidi, A The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Tohidi, A The Role of Human Resources in the Development of asymmetric Warfare Doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 5-25]
  • Tohidi, A The characteristics of Strategic Desiging system in IRI Armed Forces [Volume 13, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 5-32]
  • Tohidian, B The present article has been taken from a research aimed at achieving a strategic model of providing people’s basic needs in crisis caused by unbalanced wars, which analyzes the dimensions of security and shelter [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 141-168]
  • Tondro, H.R The function of territorial planning in economic defense with emphasis on the population [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 25-46]
  • Tooti, h Iraq's security and political structure and its impact on national security IR Iran [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 101-147]


  • Usoli, A The most important factors affecting the improvement of resilience and continuity of production, transmission and distribution of the gas network [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 211-232]


  • Vaezi, kH Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Vaezi, S.K The impact of Macro policies of resistancein the face of economic sanctions [Volume 13, Issue 61, 2015, Pages 33-59]
  • Vahidi, A Knowledge Management Model in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 81-108]
  • Vahidi, A Knowledge Management Elements in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 25-46]
  • Vahidi, A Factors affecting military deterrence in the field of sea and aerospace [Volume 18, Issue 82, 2020, Pages 99-118]
  • Vahidi, A Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • VahidiDastjerdi, M Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Vakili, A Components and indicators of the individual dimension of creativity and military innovation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Vakili, A The requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 169-190]
  • Vakili, S economic sanctions in Resistive economy (changing threats into opportunities Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 241-266]
  • Vakiliyan zand, A The views and views of the United States in the war with Afghanistan (2001)coincided with the match in two periods before and after that [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-168]
  • Valavi, M.R A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Valavi, M.R Strategic model of technological innovation system in Hybrid war [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 23-56]
  • Valisoltani, A Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Valisoltani, A Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Valivand Zamani, H Principles and effective factors in compiling the military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 201-222]
  • Valivand Zamani, H The present article has been taken from a research aimed at achieving a strategic model of providing people’s basic needs in crisis caused by unbalanced wars, which analyzes the dimensions of security and shelter [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 141-168]
  • Valivand Zamani, Hossein Explaining the ratio of air power to the geopolitical weight of countries [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 137-158]
  • ValiVand Zamani, H The role of belief and ideological foundations in The military thought of the United States [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 156-137]
  • Valvi, M The effect of efficiency factors of the Islamic Republic on the formulation of the strategy of conceptual use of the internal part of the Islamic Revolution with spiritual emphasis of Imam Khamenei [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 45-70]
  • Vatandoost., Gh.R Investigating the factors within the organizational structure of NAJA and its impact on police authority [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 371-397]
  • Vengini, Afshar Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 51-72]
  • Vosoughi Niri, A The Impact of Defensive Intellectual Capital on the Strengthening the internal structure of Government the Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Supreme Leader’s statements (God Extends His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 77-99]


  • Yadolahi, R The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 157-178]
  • Yadolahi, R Role of the military geopolitical factors in defense and security strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran against threats of United States of America and Takfiris originated from Iraq [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 307-330]
  • Yadollahi, R Presentation Defensive pattern of the ideas of Imam Khamenei [Volume 15, Issue 69, 2017, Pages 5-32]
  • Yadollahi, R Present of Supreme Leader’s Mental System in Field Of Corresponding Relations of Society and Arm Services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 177-202]
  • Yadollahi, R Social and cultural relations with the armed forces and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 89-117]
  • Yadollahi, R The Foundation and principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the point of view of the Holyguran [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 311-330]
  • Yadollahi, R Visual model from the point of view of Imam Khamenei (as) with the Emphatically of his , Word High Spirited [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 85-108]
  • Yadollahi, R A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 117-136]
  • Yazdani, H The factors of divergence and economic convergence affecting the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey [Volume 18, Issue 79, 2020, Pages 5-28]
  • Yousefi, M The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]


  • Zanjani, D Formulating the overall Defensive Strategies in the future war [Volume 15, Issue 68, 2017, Pages 289-312]
  • Zanjani, D Understanding the functional dimensions of takfiri movements with a military-security approach [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 239-258]
  • Zaree, S The geopolitical interests of the United States of America in Syrian [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 219-238]
  • Zarei, S Investigating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and the fall of Mosul From the perspective of military security surprise [Volume 19, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 53-78]
  • Zarey, S Understanding the strategic components of security in the Islamic world by approaching the geopolitical position of the Islamic world [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 179-208]
  • Zarif manesh, H Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 19, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 155-176]
  • Zarif manesh, H Knowledge Management Enablers in the Armed Forces [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 83-124]
  • Zarif manesh, M.H Investigating the factors within the organizational structure of NAJA and its impact on police authority [Volume 18, Issue 81, 2020, Pages 371-397]
  • Zarifmanesh, H Explain of the role of human resources in the Iranian-Islamic model of progress In the field of defense-security [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 233-252]
  • Zarifmanesh, H Identifying the dimensions and components of educational system design in Armed Forces universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran using a meta-synthesis qualitative approach [Volume 19, Issue 85, 2021, Pages 103-124]
  • Zarifmanesh, H Educational Needs Assessment of Strategic Levels of Doctorate in Military Thought with Emphasis on Curriculum [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 151-172]
  • Zarif Manesh, H A Model for Assessing the Outcomes of Organizational Performance in Imam Khamenei's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 84, 2021, Pages 63-84]
  • Zarif Manesh, H Designing a transformational model of training and education in terms of professors and trainers based on the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's (Mudzaleh Al-Aali) menus in a military university [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 73-94]
  • Zarifmenesh, M.H Investigating internal organizational factors of Naja and its effect on popularity and social acceptability [Volume 21, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 75-92]
  • Zarinpour, M The function of territorial planning in economic defense with emphasis on the population [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 25-46]
  • Zeineddini, Majid The model of evaluating and measuring the power of the military organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 189-216]
  • Zeineddnini, Majid Operation Principle Doctorine Nezaja And Nezsa for Unbalance Compaign [Volume 15, Issue 70, 2017, Pages 5-32]
  • Zeineddnini, Majid Security in Manners of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 183-210]
  • Zevareh, S.M.R Strategic model of technological innovation system in Hybrid war [Volume 18, Issue 80, 2020, Pages 23-56]
  • Zeynodin, M Analysis of the war game operation Fatah El Mobin [Volume 22, Issue 95, 2024, Pages 49-72]
  • Zohdinasab, Y Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 73-94]
  • Zohdinasab, Y The model of evaluating and measuring the power of the military organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 22, Issue 96, 2024, Pages 189-216]
  • Zohdi Nasab, Y A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 183-210]
  • Zohdi Nasab, Y Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 94-73]
  • Zohdi Nasab, Y determine the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training in the armed forces s [Volume 21, Issue 93, 2023, Pages 33-54]
  • ZohdiNasab, Y A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 4-44]
  • Zolghadr, M.B The basic expectations of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) fromThe Basij Mostazafin Organization [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 113-140]