Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Military Strategic Management, National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


In the current research in order to recognition and explaination of operational strategies compilation components of I.R.I.Navy through achieving marine authority, in addition to the exploration study, deep interviews with genius people, the state and military authorities, there were field studies (by considering the country's south east given responsibility) and also taking into account the geopolitics situation, threats (military and non-military), Iran Navy approach and related upper hand documents study, we have tried to step forward in research goals and response to the questions and approving research hypothesis based on identification and definition of operational strategies compilation components of I.R.I.Navy through achieving marine authority. Also the output of this paper could be a road map to form organizations and equipments related to the operational needs of Iran navy through country's marine power and to be an efficient step in theoretical operational strategies explanation of the I.R.I.Navy.
According to the surveys from a thirty-nine statistical society selected by objective sampling method and using content analyzing and data description method, a final questionnaire has distributed among statistical society members after measuring and crediting tools explanations. By analyzing and interpreting of the output data, four main components should be considered: principle component, strategic policies and documents (by six factors), the main component of internal environment of I.R.I.Navy (by nine factors), the operational scene of international forces (by six factors), and finally the main component of operational area situation (by five factors).


فهرست منابع:
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