1- Dissemination and publication of researches and studies done in the field of national defense;
2- Providing a suitable environment for the exchange of ideas and information among thinkers, opinion holders and researchers;
3- Trying to meet the scientific and research needs of the country in the field of strategic issues vision: - A publication that can be referred to in scientific forums in
- A publication with reference capability in scientific societies in the field of strategic sciences.
Thematic areas and axes of Strategic Defense Studies Quarterly:
- Future studies in defense and military affairs
- The concept of war and modern, heterogeneous and preemptive wars
- Transformation and transformationism in the armed forces
- Organizational architecture in the armed forces
- Defense and security threats and opportunities
- Defense diplomacy and security
- Defense and security strategies
- Crisis management and national security
- Jihadi management in the administration of defense and military organizations and affairs
- . Management and strategic planning in defense and military organizations
- Management of resources and human capital in defense and military organizations
- 2. Knowledge management in defense and military organizations
- Information and communication technology and defense sector
- National culture, cultural invasion, psychological operations and national security
- Preparedness and support in the defense and national security sector
- Passive defense and national security
- Territorial planning and national defense and security
- Defense economy, resistance economy and national security
- International sanctions
- Modifying the consumption pattern in the defense sector
- Soft threat, soft power and soft war
- Evaluation and measurement of defense readiness
- . International and regional strategic crises and trends
- Guidelines and defense policies of major and regional powers
- Structure and international relations and power relations
- Theorizing in the field of defense and military
- Sociology of defense and security
- . Geography and geopolitics of defense and security
- Review of strategic documents and national security of countries
- Pests and challenges of the Islamic world and its effect on power equations
- New threats inside and outside the Islamic world (military, security, political, sectarian, etc.)
- Review of defense agreements in the region
- Investigating changes in the regional security environment, J.A. Iran
- Islamic Middle East
- The function of strengthening the borders in ensuring the security of the country
- The role of mass media in weakening or strengthening national security and authority
- Investigating factors of actions and sources of soft power, J.A. Iran is facing a soft war
- The effect of virtual space and social networks on national security
- Components of national unity and factors of its destruction
- National defense strategies and comprehensive defense
- Inhibition levers
- How to increase the deterrence capabilities of J.A. Iran by taking advantage of the experiences of the sacred defense era
- Necessity of change in human sciences in the field of strategic management from the perspective of Islam and defense.