Islamic Jurisprudence in the Culture of the IRI's Counterintelligence Agencies: Position

Document Type : Original Article


1 Visiting Professor of Higher National Defense University and lecturer

2 PhD student of National Defense University


As the IRI's system, founded by Imam Khomeini (r.a.), rests on the Islamic religion, it is necessary to attend culture, mainly composed of jurisprudence and epistemology, in all dimensions of the former. In the meantime, security and counterintelligence agencies are a part of the Islamic system. Accordingly, this study on the one side refers to the sources related to precepts and on the other side, it seeks to deal with the position of the Islamic jurisprudence in the counterintelligence agencies in regards with the view of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and that of Imam Khamenei (p.h.). Doing so, it defines the intelligence jurisprudence and reviews the vacuums and shortages in interview with the experts and by studying documents upon clinical approach. In the same vein, it considers the consequence of sins and the related impacts on the misperception of human and introduces the care, a necessity, as the principal foundation of morality. In the following, the belief in extraordinary proffers the divine law as the epistemological precept and the issue of protecting the system, the precedence of secondary rules, preferring the more important over important, compliance with necessities and avoiding deception as  the significant jurisprudential precepts in the intelligence jurisprudence.


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