Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him)


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Amin Police Science University

2 Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, Imam Hussein University of Technology (AS)


Background: Since the creation of any changes in the geopolitical sphere creates opportunities and threats to regional and global actors will have to be some kind of balance of power in the region and globally is influenced by the, Therefore, this article is The opportunities and threats posed by the phenomenon of Islamic awakening in the Muslim countries of the Middle East and West Asia and the Islamic Republic of Iran and be recognized.
Methods: This study is an applied descriptive analytical methods it can Bashdvabzar sector data collection and analysis based Brthlyl taking part resulted in the receipt of documents taken Mhtvamtalb  As well as other relevant sources of discourse leader of the research to ensure validity of the data in terms of Experts, which has been targeted randomly assessment tool was developed by the experts questionnaire.
Results: The results showed that among various factors and statements collected by the investigation Azgrftn experts only 13 are of the greatest importance Mark Thdydv 6 factors that MhmtrbvdhAndbnvan opportunity of Islamic awakening is selected.
Conclusion: kill enemy AzhdbhThdydatmadbysh statements Bamyangyn (47.4) have the highest Tasyrvgzarh simulation proved revolution as unreal Bamyangyn (25/3) are the least Tasyrbvdh As well as the opportunity to remove statements, the Iranian leadership Bamyangyn (75/4) with the highest power TghyyrmvaznhTasyrvgzarhBamyangyn (25.4) have the lowest Tasyrbvdh.


فهرست منابع:
- قرآن مجید
- امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)، بیانات، قابل دسترسی در Khamenei.IR
- منابع فارسی
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- سایت‌‌ها:
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- خرمشاد ، محمدباقر ، (26/09/1391) ، هندسه جهانی به نفع ایران تغییر می‌کند ، قابل‌دسترس در :