The factors that affecting on empowering schools of armed forces of republic Islamic of Iran in personal domain

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated from the Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Sciences at the National Defense University


Empowerment of human resources in government agencies especially in military
organizations in terms of the role of these organizations in providing security
and national interests of country is very important. Graduate schools is
responsible for training competent, skilled, knowledgeable, insightful,
experienced, qualified and committed officers. Given this note that the
officers are much of the body of armed forces and responsible for executive
roles, so empowerment them have important role in fulfilment the mission of the
armed forces. So for such personnel must continually be considered
controversial empowerment and good breeding. The aim of this study is
determining factors that affecting on empowering schools of armed forces of
republic Islamic of Iran in personnel domain. This research is done by method
of case-field and is applied. In order to collecting data by method of library,
taking notes tools were used and in field procedure, a questionnaire was used.
The data have been used by techniques of descriptive statistical (frequency,
percentage and cumulative frequency and histogram) and perceptive statistical
(binomial distribution test and Freidman). Sample size was 230 participants,
the findings of this study showed that 13 factor such as spirituality, morality
values, work space, experience, psychological attributes, making decision,
ability, trust, education, reward, skill, leadership and strength can be
effective in empowering schools of armed forces of republic Islamic of Iran in
personal domain.

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