Providing an Indigenous Model for Measurement of IRI, Military Forces, Morale and Motivation

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


In the third millennium, all successful organizations pay attention to their most important asset, human resources (HR). HR would guide the organizations. Morale and motivation are among the basic subjects and concepts in HR management, and there are many studies on the subject. In this research, the main problem is presenting an indigenous model for measurement of morale and motivation. The research is developmental-applied, concerning the purpose, and it is correlational, contextual and case study, concerning the nature. The author has collected some documents, various resources, opinions of experts, and compared some developed countries. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive-inferential statistics as well as analytic-hierarchy-process (AHP). According to the findings, we may refer to                         items and  measures (Ancillary items) which form the target model. The results of the study are applicable to measure the IRI. military personnel in garrisons and all other military centers.
