Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Higher National Defense University

3 56 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran

4 Master of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University


Today, territorial borders are one of the most important national and international issues. Therefore, it will not be wrong if we consider the defense of national and territorial borders as the most important duty of the military forces of any country.  On the other hand, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution , in the gathering of the army commanders on 28/01/2018, pointed out that the armed forces in the Islamic Republic are safe fences for the nation, which are a shield against the enemy's attack and force it to fight. They retreat. The basis of this research was created after the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its destruction. Therefore, in this research, we first explained the components and collected research information by creating sources, and then the methodology of the research was explained based on the discussed paradigm, that the dimensions and characteristics of the open coding documents were classified and interpreted, and then The qualitative data analysis process in the form of the Strauss and Corbin (1994) school, based on the central and selective coding of the analysis and the results of the qualitative part of the research were reflected in the presentation of the model. Finally, SmartPLS statistical software was used to model structural equations and the research findings showed that military reflection with a path coefficient of 0.814, political reflection with a path coefficient of 0.931, and social reflection with a path coefficient of 0.880 were able to reflect. Explain the global destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone.


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    پ- سایت ‌ها:

    • Grumman-RQ-Global-Hawk.