The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Political Geography, National Defense University

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National Defense University


According to research conducted by geopolitical factors are divided into 8 categories (Natural, human, economic, domestic political, foreign political, military, cultural and science and technology). This paper will examine the natural geopolitical factor. The mixed method research (analytical method and the background) was performed and the type of sampling applied. Data collection method is library field and the population of 73 people, the expertise used to quantitatively analyzed. The aim is to achieve a natural geopolitical factors in the development of security-security strategy IRI US threats against Iraq is a country of origin. The study is based on current conditions and strategic position in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran is not a threat or enemy, America's main enemy, which uses space and geography of Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran is threatened.... . The results indicate that 13 natural geopolitical factor in causing strong bases, project opportunities, weak security mechanism and threatening a significant role in the Islamic Republic of Iran's defensive strategy. These factors, in order of priority are: Free water, proximity to the Persian Gulf countries, communication situation, the geopolitical spotlight, size and shape of land, water and land boundaries, topography, Iraqi Kurdistan


فهرست منابع:
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ب- منابع انگلیسی
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