economic sanctions in Resistive economy (changing threats into opportunities Approach)

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student of Strategic Management, National Defense University


TO victory  the Islamic Revolution of Iran , the West began his enemies and use of economic sanctions against Iran. This weapon is still continuing with varying degrees of intensity, which has now reached its peak. The purpose of this study is to provide an operational idea, which could be a great opportunity to become the nation's threat of economic sanctions will. The article suggested that the list of goods and services, sanctions, in order of preference and importance (essential goods and services, very important, and average), with the cooperation of all agencies headquarters, administrative and business of the country is made to research universities, research institutions and researchers focused on them. Implementation of this policy, provides the conditions, the economic strength of the country is linked to jihad and essential step to stabilize the internal construction of the Islamic Republic of Iran is removed.
