Check the power connection with security(with approach to Islam)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of military strategic management of the National Defense University

3 PhD student, Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


In Islam the source of power and sovereignty of God, and no power except God and from Him   Political debates, as well as in practice, the concept of security is inseparable from the concept of power. Research is carried out to answer this question is essential that the relationship between power and security of Islam  This research builds on the achievements of the application, based on the objectives and nature of the survey, analytical and based on the type of data   The method of collecting the library and the library taking notes, using questionnaires and data collection required   The study population, to 290 in the first hypothesis of Pearson 0/655. Which represents   So also is the coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.42). And indicates that 42 percent of Muslim power And in the second hypothesis the Pearson0/ 722 Which represents a strong and direct relationship between power and   , The coefficient of determination is also (R2 = 0.51). And shows that Islamic power 51 percent of the foreign security.The result indicates that a sense of security increases the sense of power and feel the power would increase the sense of security  The key component of a country close relationship between security and power.
