Identification of the factors involved in the implementation of KM in defense industries

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Strategic Knowledge Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology


The fundamental factor of organizational competitiveness in the current economy has become knowledge of tangible and intangible resources of the past. Considering the existence of subjective knowledge and objective knowledge in the organizational structure, it is necessary together. Considering the existence of subjective knowledge and objective knowledge in the organizational structure, it is necessary together. With the help of modern tools such as information technology, there are opportunities for scholarly organizations to advance themselves to a knowledge-based organization through the acceleration of the knowledge cycle. The main goal of the organization is to apply knowledge management to maintain competitive advantage and maintain it in the stages of growth and maturity in the organization's life cycle.
Defensive industries as scholarly organizations are no exception to this and are even more prominent than other organizations. In this study, a comprehensive study of the factors affecting the knowledge management system in organizations was first extracted with extensive study of literature and previous research. After screening by internal and external experts, seven main axes and 43 effective units in this area were identified and their validity was confirmed by the experts using the Treston method. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Krone Bach's alpha coefficient and by statistical sampling, 85 questionnaires were analyzed. The most important factors including organizational structure, leadership, processes, staff, technology, strategy, and outcomes were identified through the use of structural equation analysis and PLS software. According to the rankings, the organizational structure of the defense industry has had the most importance and consequences from the perspective of the experts of those industries in the implementation of KM.


 فهرست منابع:
الف- منابع فارسی
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ب- سایت ‌ها:
بیانات مقام معظم رهبری درباره اهمیت و جایگاه شرکت‌های دانش‌بنیان مراکز رشد فناوری، ۱۳۹۳/۰۹/۰۸ در نظرات نخبگان و خبرگان