Designing and compiling the strategic program of general sports of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of the faculty of Imam Hossein University

2 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University


The purpose of the current research was to develop a strategic plan for the general exercise of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The descriptive-analytical research method was a survey type, which according to the scope of the study is included in the category of strategic studies. The statistical community of the research is all the managers, experts and specialists of physical training of the armed forces in the organizations and subordinate units in the army, IRGC, police force, Ministry of Defense and Basij; The experts were outside the armed forces. The sampling method was accessible and the statistical sample size was 130 officials and experts of physical education inside and outside the armed forces. The tools of data collection were interviews and open and closed questionnaires, by using them vision, mission, macro goals, core values, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, strategies and priorities and the program Operational measures were formulated. According to the internal and external matrices, the strategic position of physical training of the armed forces was placed on the border of the conservative region. Despite the existence of more obvious weaknesses than strengths, there are more opportunities in the physical education of the armed forces. By benefiting from the SWOT analysis matrix, 4 SO strategies, 3 ST strategies, 6 WO strategies and 3 WT strategies were identified, a total of 16 strategies were identified and prioritized using a quantitative strategic planning matrix, and then an operational plan corresponding to each strategy was determined. Finally, based on the strategic analysis, the strategic program of physical training of the armed forces in public sports was prepared, and its topics included the statement of vision, mission, long-term goals, strategy and operational plans of public sports


  • فهرست منابع

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