Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Higher Education Management, Farabi University

2 Assistant Professor of Higher Education Management, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Political Science, Farabi University

4 کارشناسی ارشد علوم سیاسی گرایش امنیت ملی


In the last three decades, especially in the last few years, the Supreme Leader has addressed the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran in many meetings and statements and tried to explain the expectations and characteristics of the country's officials in order to achieve the desired responsibility. To depict the progress and excellence of the country, in this regard, perhaps the most important and comprehensive document is the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution. The aim of this study is to extract the components of responsibility in the system c. AA is based on the idea of the Supreme Leader and is formed using the data-based research method. The statistical population is dedicated to the full text of the second step of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the sample size includes parts of the statement in which the Supreme Leader recommends or demands the officials or the youth in order to be held accountable. The method of data collection, library and research tools is filing. 254 attributes (data) were extracted for accountability. The results of three-stage open, axial and selective coding led to the extraction of 63 concepts, 27 components and 4 dimensions, respectively. Findings show that in order to be responsible at the level of the Islamic Revolution, one must focus on the four basic components of "individual needs of officials", "responsibility demands of officials", "individual needs of youth" and "responsibility demands of Youth" was focused. Also, the Supreme Leader's view in delegating responsibility is to emphasize the use of the youth and a function of the degree of adherence to religious, revolutionary and national rituals and values, moving on the basis of central justice and striving to ensure the security of the people and the country.


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