The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Imam Hussein University

3 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University


Economic stability and security are considered to be the foundation of the national economy and the basic basis of sustainable economic growth. The stability of the economy in a secure economic environment affects economic efficiency and effectiveness and protects it against shocks to the economy.  In this study, we seek to explain the role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic. The approach of the present research is qualitative in terms of applied and developmental purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method and basic theory. For this purpose, first by taking a library file and then analyzing it, while examining the sanctions, damages, capacities and goals of the national economy, through open and closed interviews with the country's economic experts and the snowball technique. To the extent of theoretical saturation, while explaining the central concepts and categories of economic stability and security related to the model of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the relationship between them and its conceptual model is presented. Findings show that practical policies providing economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of effective time period can be divided into practical policies of repair and improvement, capacity building and resilience They have three dimensions: de-inflation and strengthening the national currency, reducing unemployment and developing employment and economic security, each of which has its own components.


  • فهرست منابع:

    - بیانات وسیاستهای ابلاغی مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله‌العالی) از سایت: http://farsi. khamenei. Ir

    الف-مقالات فارسی

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