Takfiri and Salafi Movements’ Internal Factors Threatening the Islamic World Security

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


Sudden emergence of the ISIS in 2014 in Iraq (during the summer in 1393) and the shaping of an autonomous state, challenged the Islamic world with new realities of radical Salafi thinking whose different practical aspects were so far unknown to the scholars of the Islamic world. This kind of thinking which a kind of political Salafism is came to be known as TakfiriSalafist. The present research aims at answering this question that what are the Takfiri movements’ internal threat factors for the Islamic world. This is an applied research of a survey, descriptive-analytic kind with a mixed approach. The researches try to first determine the nature of Takfiri movements and then name the internal threat factors which can be used by Takfiri movements in order to destabilize the security. Statistical population consisted of 30 experts in the field of Takfirimovements studies. The data were collected using a library and field method via instruments such as questionnaire and library note-taking. The research data were analyzed using descriptive and analytic statistical methods and the final analysis was classified by pair-wise comparison matrix. Finally, sectarianism, ethnic prejudices, economic problems, current challenges, land conflicts, government structure and inclination to modernization were determined as the most important internal factors in the Islamic world.
