The discourse of velayat-e faghih on Red Crescent society domain


1 PhD student in Strategic Management, Passive Defense, National Defense University

2 Professor of Vascular Surgery, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences

3 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, National Defense University

4 استادیار پزشک عمومی موسسه آموزش عالی علمی کاربردی هلال ایران

5 Senior Management Expert, Secretary General of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran


From View of velayat-e faqhih, aid and relief and rescue disaster victims is the duty of all sections of society and as a divine test which is focused on accelerating aid. The main objective of this research is to explain the discourse of velayat-e faqihthe on the Islamic Republic of Iran's Red Crescent using descriptive content analysis and discourse analysis by Laclau and Mouffe method. Based on these results, the nodal point in the discourse of Imam Khomeini is, "Islamic values and Humanities" And elements of the discourse are "human duty, valuable, valuable assistance, knowledge, piety in service, quality of work, Create protection, fast service, do a good job, accountability and commitment, faith" and moments in the discourse of "service, relief, public participation ' and its opposition is "Western humanitarian law, humanitarian slogans, selective relief ". Nodal point in the discourse of Imam Khamenei, "relief" and elements in this discourse of "helping the innocent, to serve veterans, earthquake relief, act quickly on tasks, help people to serve" moment in the discourse of "the contribution and cooperation ,confidence to people, satisfaction, good organization, lack of attention to ethnicity and identity politics in service providing relief services and its opposition is "claims to have human rights and humanitarian purposes by America and some Western governments" Based on the results of this study, it is suggested planning and necessary measures to complete domination of velayat-e faghih discourse on Red Crescent society and the implementation of its principles and its obstacles and removal of obstacles and challenges placed on top of the Red Crescent Society program and required efforts should be made to introduce the humanitarian discourse of velayat-e faghih to other countries.


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پ- سایت‌ها:
امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی). مجموعه بیانات وب‌سایت دفتر حفظ و نشر آثار حضرت آیت ا... العظمی خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)- قابل‌دسترسی در: