Convergent Technologies in Enhancing the IRI's Defensive Power

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hussein Officers and Guard University


This study seeks to clarify the technologies which by their convergence promote the local military power as a constituent of power and finally enhance the IRI's deterrence power. In the same vein, the population of this study is primarily made up of 63 scientific-specialty experts in strategic issues and convergent modern technologies in four varied spheres. Meanwhile, it first gathers data on the principal dimensions of convergence and then extracts data from 30 military experts occupied in the IRI's ministry of defense, Army, IRGC, SNDU and the General Staff of Armed Forces. The outcome of the study reveals 4 dimensions, 10 constituents, 63 indices and synergy as well as interrelationship between and among the independent binary variables (IC, BI, NC, NI, BC, NB) and tri-pronged variables (BIC, NBI, NIC, NBC) with the dependent variable of convergence (NBIC). The outcome of the study also suggests that the application of convergent technologies as critical instruments enhances the military power and indigenous industries, security, automotive equipment, training and training simulation environments and protection against biological, radiological and explosive elements and protects the soldiers better than before.      


فهرست منابع
الف- منابع فارسی
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