Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces


1 Instructor of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University

2 Assistant Professor of National Security, Higher National Defense University


This paper aims to assess fundamental role of an order. Orders are playing a crucial role in any organization, especially in military ones. Based on the importance of this subject, we tried to extract a conceptual framework and related data using opinions of elites, interviews, focus groups and questionnaires. Descriptive methods are applied to codify principles; and descriptive and analytical statistics, especially variance analysis, is applied to analyze data extracted from questionnaires. SPSS 19 and Excel are soft wares used for statistical analysis.  Extracted principles are assessed in two steps by interviewing 11 senior commanders and results are analyzed using qualitative methods. Opinions of elites are used to validate these principles. Results show that orders in I.R Iran armed forces are rooted in four determinative factors, namely: 1. Sharia, 2.wisdom, 3. Law, and 4. Organizational Mission. Finally, in conclusions, a model is presented based on valued documents of I.R. Iran, including Quran, Hadith, quotes of Imam Khomeini, orders of I.R. supreme leader, laws, and armed forces disciplinary regulations.


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