The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD of Strategic Defense Sciences - Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Oppose to soft war of hauteur and swear enemies of Islamic revolution in different territory with exploitation of capacities of soft power of Regime (politic – economic – cultured and …)
Are among of important affairs that mistress and the Great commander and leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenehee , emphatic on it. That by priority on economic affairs crave, close concentrate of all strategic capacities and idea of mistress of military and departmental organization.
Thus this research by aim to achieve the most effective strategies of regimes economic soft power in oppose with hauteur’s soft war by emphatic on instruction of the Dignified leader is composited the present investigation is of applied and development type of research which has been carried out by employing mixed method and through collection of needed data from exterior and library study and analysis the information by Theo retied model of S.W.O.T then by positioning Technique space on order to determine dominate strategies accomplished, essential account and by definition of important – strategies based on theoretical method Tops is the best and most effective strategies are presented.
Thus the result of this research indicative of the best economic soft power 14 strategies of regime for oppose to globed hauteur’s/machination that the most important of them are:
Propagation of Islamic common Bazar converting’s Idea (in oppose and make ineffectual of economic boycott) concordance and cooperation to economic expedition (in order to achieve plans in feature Document) encourage to lawful job and according to common conscience – propagation the cultured of encourage and support of elite and human originality and based on religious belief (with emphasis on tenacity economics’ politics) and continuously support and encourage of job creative crusader and harmonic with lawful job role model in national level.


فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی و عربی
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ب) منابع لاتین
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