The Quality Measurement Model of the MFA Human Resource Recruitment System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Strategic Management, National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student, Strategic Management, National Defense University


The human resource management in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a human-centered governing body is of special importance. The human resource recruitment as a subsystem enjoys a special position in comparison with other subsystems. The main objective of this research is finding the quality measurement model of the human resource recruitment management system in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to answer the research question, “what is the quality measurement model of the human resource recruitment system in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”. This research is an applied research and uses the survey method. After the theoretic studies and interviews with the experts, specific criteria were identified based on which a two-dimensional questionnaire was prepared. The questionnaires were then distributed in a sample group of 306 persons who were randomly chosen from the statistical population (official employees) whose views were taken about the status quo and the desirable status which were accordingly analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software. In order to measure the correlation matrix, the sampling quality indices (KMO) and the Chi-squared test were utilized. In order to analyze the data, the descriptive statistics (frequency and average percentage) and interpretive statistics (variance and structural equations) were used and finally in conclusion seven factors consisting of 45 recruitment system quality measurement indices in the form of a conceptual model were identified and delivered in response to the question, “ what is the human resource recruitment system quality model of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”.
