Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National University

2 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Higher National Defense University

3 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University

4 PhD in defense policy of the National Defense University


Undoubtedly, the realization of security is one of the basic needs for the growth and development of human societies, the Islamic world is no exception to this, and in order to determine the policies, strategies and practical realization of its growth and excellence, it is necessary to know more precisely the strategic components of its security in a complex and chaotic era.One of the components of security in the Islamic world is the component of the Islamic world's solidarity. Recognition of its indices and its position among other strategic components of the security of the Islamic world is one of the urgent requirements of today's Islamic world.The main goal of this research is to identify the strategic components of security in the Islamic world with an approach to the solidarity of the Islamic world.This research was applied in descriptive-analytical manner. For data collection, library methods (documents) and researcher-made questionnaire have been used. The statistical population of this research is based on the 6 characteristics of the researchers and limited access to the security experts of the Islamic world to 30 people in our country and the sample population is consistent with the statistical society.The results of the research showed that the most important strategic components of security in the Islamic world are as follows: 1. The defense-security ability of the Islamic world; 2. The economic power of the Islamic world; 3. The convergence and divergence of the Islamic world; 4. The scientific capacity and technology of the Islamic world; 5- Religious sectarianism in Islamic World 6. The National Power of Islamic Countries7 - The Social Integrity of the Islamic World8 - The World of Islam9 - The Legitimacy of the Governing Governments of the Islamic World 10 - The Geopolitical Position of the Islamic World 11 - The Solidarity of the Islamic World 12 - The Social Political Organizations of the Islamic World 13 - The Identity of the Islamic World, also Indicators of the Strategic Component of Islamic World Solidarity: 1. Crisis and Political Challenges Aslamy2- countries empathy and cooperation between Islamic countries against foreign enemies of the Islamic world and (3) the promotion of the place of religion in the Muslim world, a solidarity in the Muslim world play a role in providing


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