The role of organizational aspect of lifestyle to strengthen The internal construction of the armed forces the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D., Strategic Military Management, National Defense University

2 Doctor of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


   Confidence in the adequacy and effectiveness of internal forces and the continuing development of the internal capacity, to evolve a clear horizon to achieve the ideals and goals of the Iranian Islamic civilization is modern;
Since Imam Khamenei said that the lifestyle is the true and original part of civilization, The purpose of this study is survey The role of organizational aspect of  lifestyle to strengthen The internal construction of the armed forces the Islamic Republic of Iran According to the leader orders, documents and ideas of upstream thinkers in the field. Finally, to explain the conceptual framework, 7 components and 32 index recognized and confirmed by scholars and experts, a questionnaire was presented to the 47 members of the statistical community That Analyzed by Using a mixture of descriptive and inferential methods and Ranking with Friedman method, was recognized the importance and weight of factors. The results showed That Respectively the "protecting public funds," with Friedman average rating 18.2, had the most effective and "means a lot of work" with Friedman average rating 15.66, had the lowest effect on the organizational aspect of lifestyle to strengthen The internal construction of the armed forces the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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