Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University

3 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University


Skills-based trainings in the armed forces suffer from a variety of problems that reduce their efficiency and effectiveness. This study aimed to identify the problems with these trainings by comparing the current and desirable situations in the pedagogical dimensions, components and indicators. This research is a case study with an integrated approach, for which library and field methods were used to collect data. By inferring the skills-based trainings from the six documents mentioned in the conceptual framework, 10 dimensions and 49 components were identified, and 220 effective indicators were obtained for them and then standardized and finalized based on the experts opinions. Then, after determining the references, tools and methods of evaluating skills-based trainings, the gap between the current and desirable situations of each of the indicators and components was described and analyzed based on the data collected from 68 people of the statistical population (in full) in the form of a comprehensive questionnaire and using descriptive statistical methods and chi-square test 2. The research results identified the main problems with skills-based trainings, the first three problems with components were "lack of proper feedback from training courses", "lack of updated trainings" and "students donot have necessary qualification" and the first three problems with indicators were "weakness of learners’ skills in English and Arabic", "poor feedback from the staff’s district" and "lack of educational simulations".


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