Investigating the Factors Affecting the Formation and Activities of Takfiri Terrorism in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Government Management, National Defense University

2 PhD student at the National Defense and Strategic Research Institute


In recent years, Takfiri terrorism and their supporters have been able to While recruiting forces, carrying out terrorist operations and sending dozens of terrorist groups into Iran, Impose a lot of material, political and security costs on the Islamic Republic of Iran. These actions have been shaped by the presence of internal factors, (weaknesses) and transnational factors (threats).
In this research, the researcher has been trying, by preventive and pathological approach and determine the factors and bases of activity and the formation of this type of terrorism, to helps reduce the risks and costs of tackling Takfiri terrorism.
The statistical population of the study consisted of 70 managers, experts in security levels and the Takfiri Salafist scope Because of the limited size of the statistical society and the sample population, sample selection has been carried out on 30 people using snowball techniques...
This research is an applied one and the method used in descriptive research is survey. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and Friedman test was used to rank the factors.
According to the results, 41 factors influencing the formation and activity of Takfiri terrorism in the iran were identified and ranked according to the importance of the priority according to the table.


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