Iran's regional power and its impact on Russia's foreign policy conformity and allighment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, PhD in Political Geography, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, PhD in Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Imam Hussein University (PBUH)


Islamic Republic of Iran Preserving the principles and foundations of the Islamic Revolution and the country's independence, wants peaceful coexistence with the world, especially neighboring countries in all fields, Russia has a special position with this Iran due to the developments in West Asia and the US presence in the region, Relationship development with Russia has been a priority in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of Iran's regional power on the conformity of Russia's foreign policy.

This research is an applied research that has been done by descriptive, analytical and survey methods. In the library section, materials and documents were collected using the research worksheet tool. In the survey section, the analysis of the data obtained from the interviews has been done through the qualitative method of the foundation data and the in-depth interview technique. Temporally and thematically, the 20-year relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia and the latest doctrines of national security, foreign policy and military doctrine of that country have been studied, in terms of location, it includes the two countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia.

Research findings and results show; Russian policy is utilitarianism and pragmatism of and follow the school of realism and neo-realism, due to that, Russians will approach the Islamic Republic of Iran in a situation when Iran is independent to the West and Iran roles as a complement to Russia's geopolitics and geostrategic as a regional power.

Because they believe that the interests of the Russian people depend on the existence of a strong and effective Iran in the international arena that can play a united role for Russia, which with the help of Iran, they can prevent the world from falling into chaos and establish a new just world order. But at the same time, they prefer a strong Iran of civilization to a strong ideological Iran


فهرست منابع
- امام خامنه‌ای‌(مدظله‌العالی)، مجموعه بیانات (در دیدار پوتین با ایشان 24 / 7 / 1386)
- امام خامنه‌ای ‌(مدظله‌العالی)، مجموعه بیانات (در دیدار پوتین با ایشان 10 / 8 / 1396)
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