The role of geopolitical factors in the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Passive Defense Strategic Management at Higher National Defense University

2 PhD student of military strategic management at Higher National Defense University


Geopolitical advantages on the one hand and the pillars of national power on the other hand can be effective in transforming potential geopolitical elements into a set of actual elements of national power for national defense.  
The country of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been able to make a positive and effective position in international politics due to its geopolitical foundations and its two human factors and Islamic ideology.  In this paper, the researcher used a descriptive-analytical method to identify geopolitical factors affecting the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran, then prioritize them by explaining each of the roles and finally determine which of the factors taken into account in increasing the national power of the Republic Islamic Iran has more influence.  In this case, the goal of the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is derived from our religious teachings, will be the objectives of the Great Architect of the Islamic Revolution (Rahmullah Aga) and the great leader of the Islamic Revolution's Supreme Leader's Shiite world (the Prophet.


فهرست منابع
- قرآن کریم با ترجمه حضرت آیت‌الله‌العظمی مکارم شیرازی
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