Designation of air power superior in IR.IRAN

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences Dafus Aja


Recently 2 dead’s war, completely cleared that, theater or attacker’s countries want victory as soon as possible to impose their willing with economy of forces him and rapidity and they can obtain this with air power so this is the importance of air power usage that is desirable for the governments, So in this regard, researcher tries to find the superior air power factors in IR.IRAN and with dimension, components and effective criteria’s can reach to this important topic and this is an innovation in research in this content designation of air power superior in IRIRAN is the main goal of this research what are the factors on this power is the main question. This is a kind of applied and development research with descriptive cross case basis method and mixed approach.
The result of this research presented in two sections, first section is concluded from presented history in air power and library research that determined factors such as, victory, rapidity, surprise, flexibility, everywhere stand in battlefield, equipment with more technology, loss casualty, costs reduction, increase enemy casualties, forced to give up faster, defeat the enemy are the major main priorities in the war.
Second section indicate that, the main dimension components, and indicators of becoming a superior air power and finally rapid victory in war, establishment and strengthen the hardware and software aspects from combat and combat support element- spiritual and nonspiritual and macro indicators that can facilitate achieving to superior air power in the regional level.
