The Resistance Front Pattern From Imam Khamenei's Pont of View

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

3 Assistant Professor, Higher National Defense University

4 PhD, Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense UniversityI


  After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Islamic resistance by using the thought system of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenee, has led to formation of the Resistance Front in the west Asian with the Axis of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Resistance Front, In order to achieve it's goals as well as to align the nation and governments of region with the islamic revolution, needs a coherent and afficient pattern, so it can be used to manage it's enviromental complexities.
Imam Khamenee, as the leader of islamic revolution and Supreme Commander of Armed Forces, with his intelligence mastery on the resistance front, has explained the various dimensions of the resistance on various occasions and speeches. Therefor, the main purpose of this research is to achieve a resistance pattern from Imam Khamenei's pont of view.
This reserch is an applied and mixed approach. It also has been done qualitatively and quantitatively in the library method with using content analysis and foundation-data theorizing methods.
 According to the supreme leader's thought system, the Resistance Front in dimensions and components: Pillars(Leaders, Governments, Nations, Unity,...), Fundamentals and Directions maker(Goals, Thoughts, School, Principles,...), Driving factors(Defensive Readiness and Strength,  Interal Construction Strength,...) and Obstacles and Challenges(Influence, Hypocrisy, Interal Disorder, Despotism, Arrogance,...), Resistance goals(Government building, Leadership building,...), achieving independence and glory of governments and nations of Resistance Front, building trust, deterrence and reduction of arrogant military presence in the Axis of resistance countries and ultimately facilitate the victory of the resistance.


فهرست منابع
-   قرآن کریم، ترجمه آیت الله مکارم شیرازی.
-   امام خمینی (رحمه الله علیه)، صحیفه نور، تهران، دفتر حفظ و نشر آثار امام(رحمه‌الله‌علیه).
الف- منابع فارسی:
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ج) سایت‌ها
-          امام خامنه‌ای، مجموعه بیانات قابل دسترسی در: