Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated from the Department of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


The matter of agility that is first introduced in 1991 regards the measures that are performed in order to gain flexibility and to attain supremacy in the environment. This matter is an important item for the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Force Therefore, this thesis under the title of “Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations” is discussed here. The conducted research is an applied one and the methodology of it is case study and field research; and its aim is to answer the following question to achieve it: What are the dimensions and components of the agility of military organizations? To investigate the relationship between two qualitative variables, nonparametric statistical analysis (Chi-square test) has been used that tests the independence hypothesis between two variables. In this method, by rejecting the null hypothesis of independence of variables, the correlation between them is proved. Also, for testing the model, using a random-class sampling method, a sample of 118 people from a population of 75 was selected and questionnaires were sent to them. The results of this research show that agility dimensions are divided into two physical and non-physical dimensions, the physical dimension of which includes the technology component and the non-physical dimension, including components of human resources, organizational structure, innovation and creativity, command and control.


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- سایت مقام معظم رهبری