Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography, Imam Hussein University of Technology (PBUH)

2 Psychology, Imam Hussein University of Medical Sciences

3 Assistant Professor of National Security, Higher National Defense University

4 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National Defense University


Turkish-Iranianrelations after Iran's Islamic Revolution, is influenced by factors such as Islamism, geopolitical competition, competition for regional hegemony, economic and political. Both Turkey and Iran have influence on each other and National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is affected from the important country.The aim of this study was to achieve recognition of Turkey and political components and indicators affecting the security defense relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran's with Turkey and determine their impact on each other.In this study, type of study, "Application development" and Methodology "descriptive, analytical" and main research question is"which is political factors and indicators affecting the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense and security relations with Turkey?". The conceptual model derived from teachers'were put to the expertstest with self-made Likert scale questionnaire,reliability and validity were confirmed with cronbach's alpha of 0.956and carcasses of more than 0.8.Finally, Friedman test, correlation and analysis of operating loads, defense and security relations was confirmedwith the two components of political convergence and divergence and 26indicator. 


فهرست منابع
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ب- منابع انگلیسی :
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ج- سایت‌ها :