A comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in chosen countries

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of strategic management of passive defense, Higher National Defense University


What is discussed in this article is a comparative study of passive defense policy models of non-governmental industries in seven countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United States, Russia, Switzerland, India, Germany and the United Kingdom. This article is descriptive-exploratory in terms of method, applied-developmental research in terms of purpose, and mixed (quantitative-qualitative) in terms of type. The method of data collection is library and documentary studies and using the opinions of the community of experts in the form of a structured closed questionnaire. Also, the method of data analysis is thematic analysis and statistical analysis by SPSS software. Accordingly, in order to determine the passive defense policy model of selected countries, a 5-dimensional model consisting of structural, content, behavioral, process and orientation dimensions has been used, and then with in-depth exploratory studies to extract components and sub-components through analysis technique. The theme is discussed. Then, in order to match the comparative comparison process, the extracted sub-components were distributed and collected in the form of a questionnaire among the statistical population of the research (30 people) and the sub-components approved by the community of research experts were comparatively compared for 7 selected countries. Is. The results show that a total of 5 dimensions, 21 components and 52 subcomponents have been obtained for comparative comparison of passive defense systematization models of non-governmental industries in selected countries. It is worth mentioning that the result of comparative comparison of selected countries indicates that in the structural dimension, in most countries and the Islamic Republic of Iran, non-governmental industries have an organizational relationship with the civil defense complex and also have an incident command system in non-governmental industries. In terms of content, by organizing and managing public opinion, they promote public readiness of the society and while organizing and employing people, by managing public opinion, they pay attention to the role and participation of people in civil defense in non-governmental industries. In the context, the dependence of meeting the essential needs of the people on non-governmental industries was found to be reasonable. In the process dimension, the civil defense decision-making process (in the legislature, the executive and the judiciary) and the civil defense evaluation and control process for non-governmental industries were defined and had legal requirements for the implementation of non-governmental industry civil defense communication policies. Finally, in terms of orientation, the above countries had negative and positive approaches and appropriate documents and arrangements in the field of passive defense of non-governmental industries


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    • بیانات و فرمایشات امام خامنه­ای منتشر شده در تارنمای ir

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