Tehran,s Strategic behavioral Traffic Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Passive Defense Strategic Management, Higher National University

2 Assistant Professor of National Security, Amin Police Science University


Tehran metropolis with more than 8 million inhabitants and 4 million floating population, in terms of traffic and vehicle congestion has problems of infrastructure, management and treatment of urban management methods in the traditional way is that it has a confused bundle. In the meantime, several effective components for Tehran traffic, but enumerates the researchers pursuing meme traffic management in 22 districts of Tehran municipality. This type of research is applied and the method described in the qualitative analytical-correlation and statistical population, 80 strategic and influential officials in Tehran traffic police and municipal traffic that way all some of them were surveyed. The reliability of research (0.964) were studied with SPSS software. The statistical analysis after 4, 11 and 34 index, dimensions and components using regression and correlation and sign tests were used. The correlation between dimensions (0.957), respectively. Then, using path analysis study on the effectiveness of 4th Dimension's main variable measurement and behavior in Tehran traffic based on priority aspects of research, recommendations were presented


  فهرست منابع
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