Model of Agriculture through the development of strategic affairs based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the velayat-e faqih constitution debate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of National Security of the National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Plant Protection Sciences, Plant Protection Research Institute

4 Assistant Professor of Management of Agricultural Research and Planning Institute

5 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management of Passive Defense of the University of Defense


As sensitive and constitution of agriculture in food security and food security and income generating gross revenue of the country and plays a vital role in balance this budget, it is Practitioners, policy-makers to pay special attention to the agricultural sector apply. The aim of this study was to achieve a model that could systematic and strategic management of the country's agriculture through Islamic Republic of Iran to develop experiences on the discourse of velayat-e faqih and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran to provide. The study is qualitative, followed up by the Foundation to the basic question that the strategic model articulated in the "Department of Agriculture" velayat-e faqih and the constitution of the Islamic Republic is based on dialogue? Answer. In this regard, a sample of 24 experts and 62 experts, senior agriculture in targeted selection to snowball method selected depth interviews and questionnaires were data based on grounded theory after the code, concepts and categories in Causal factors, ventilators, areas, interfaces, strategic implications and consequences, categorized by taking into account several considerations to achieve the reliability and validity, with the theoretical model of governance paradigm for agricultural implements Obtained. Recognized findings from the study indicate that agricultural affairs, on the basis of resource conservation and sustainable development of agriculture must be at the helm of affairs of the country.
