Improving the effectiveness of the strategic pattern of planning, Programming of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 دانشیار اقتصاد دانشگاه جامع امام حسین (علیه‌السلام)

2 Graduated from the Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


One of the policies of the dominant countries to serve their own interests is to undermine the economic power of the target countries through the use of conventional economic sanctions. Since economic conditions play an important role in the provision of resources for the implementation of programs, it poses a challenge to any economic threat and crisis in the implementation and implementation of related plans and programs.
The supreme leader has insisted on strict implementation of the general policies of the resisting economy to overcome any crisis in the economic sphere. The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is one of the most important pillars of the country, need efficient models in special economic conditions to maintain and enhance its defense and deterrence capabilities against enemy threats. The purpose of this research was to improve the efficiency of the armed forces strategic planning and planning model with approach of Moghavematie economy.
The research type is applied-developmental and the research method is a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach. The population of the study consisted of 112 experts and the sample size of the population was 52 using Cochran formula.
The results of the research, after analyzing the data, show the impact of the prominent features and advantage of the Moghavematie economy in enhancing the strategic planning and strategic Programming of the armed forces.
Against the conceptual model presented by the number of components, 6 components contribute to the improvement of the strategic planning model of the armed forces and 7 components contribute to the improvement of the strategic Programming model of the armed forces.


فهرست منابع:
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الف - سایت:
فرمایشات امام خامنه­­ای (مدظله‌العالی)، قابل‌دسترسی در: