Strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Imam and Leadership’s statements and Islamic republic’s experiences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Doctor of Strategic Science-Defense Policy, National Defense University

2 Arabic Language and Literature Assistant Professor, Amin University of Police Sciences

3 49/5000 Strategic Defense Sciences Assistant Professor, National Defense University


Islamic Republic of Iran attaches special importance to educational and cultural affairs by following the revelation teachings of Islam and has taken extensive measures to fighting illiteracy. The main issue of this research is recognition of strategic model for managing the literacy movement through experiences codification, Imam and Leadership’s statements and constitution which the researcher has talked about the manner of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei’s statements, axes and approaches of constitution, Islamic Republic’s experiences, and dimensions, components and indicators of strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Velayat-e-Faghih’s statements, constitution and experiences of the regime.
In this research, the mixed method has been used and the qualitative approach has been overcome. Different qualitative methods such as content analysis, discourse analysis, interpretative analysis and theorizing in foundation data has been used  to get the answers of the questions of this research. The tool for this research was interview and questionnaire. In addition to that, a variety of software was used to composition of speeches and content analysis of texts.
The result of the research illustrates that eradication of illiteracy and fighting with its factors, believing in God, self-esteem and seriousness, double efforts, promoting Islamic culture and lifestyle, elimination of deprivation and poverty, proper planning and national determination are the most important principles in the Velayat-e-Faghih’s statements. Eradication of illiteracy, empowering the community for prosperity and elimination of deprivation in different areas and substantiation of social justice are known as a public right by the constitution and upper documents.


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