The Role of Human Resources in the Development of asymmetric Warfare Doctrine in the Army Avition

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctor of National Defense University of Higher Defense

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense at Higher National Defense University


Major changes in application of modern equipments and technology in the current wars on global and regional strategic environment caused the need to repel asymmetrical threats is felt in Iran. It caused to bring extensive modification of Islamic Republic Army Forces’ regulations in future wars and Havanirooz is one of the most influential units in the army force is committed to do this.
This study aimed at formulating of Havanirooz doctrine emphasizing on asymmetrical warfare using descriptive- case- basis method and correlation has been carried out through theoretical and field studies. The main goal of the study was to formulate Havanirooz doctrine emphasizing on asymmetrical warfare and dimensions, components, criteria and missions’ performance levels were the secondary objectives of the study. To achieve these goals data were collected through note taking and questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha reliability index turned out to be %817.
The participants of this survey were a group of army forces officials (N=75) who their jobs, positions. Education and researches were directly linked to Havanirooz doctrine issue, completed the questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that Havanirooz doctrine emphasizing on asymmetrical warfare inclusive of structural, content and environmental medium containing 11 effective components: mission, human resource, organizational structure, command and control, passive defense, quantity and quality of training, quality and quantity of logistics, combat tactics, technique, environmental and asymmetrical warfare features with 52 criteria using effective tactical, operational and strategic impact to provide the ability to perform missions. The direct exploitation of ten principles in formulation of Havanirooz doctrine emphasizing on asymmetrical warfare to update and implement of air mobility in close support of army forces effective steps should be taken in future wars especially in asymmetrical warfare. 


فهرست منابع:
الف) منابع فارسی
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