Strategies for acquiring the highest power of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Defense Forces in the South West Asia region

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Graduate of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Meditating and reflecting on the current challenging situation of the world and the region, it is undeniable that the Islamic Republic of Iran should take appropriate measures to gain superior defense power in the South West Asia region. This article is a developmental application which has been prepared by the field case study and mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative).
 The sample population of this study is 10 experts in the field of defense economics that have been selected purposefully. In this paper, the method of collecting data is library and field, and their measurement tools are interview questions and questionnaires. Analyzing the data of this research with descriptive and inferential methods using the Swot Strategy Compilation Technique and Friedman Ranking (to prioritize strategies) has been done. The results of this research presented 6 strategies to the following priority order: (1) ending the government's exclusive ownership of large industries and defense capital with strict observance of the principles of competitive economy in terms of improving the quality and quantity of defense industry's products and selling Iranian military products to its neighbors and other countries with the aim of increasing national revenues and Per capita (2) the use of specialized strategic managers to apply expertise in policy-making (3) reducing the level of reliance on defense economics to oil revenues through the promotion of a resilient economy in the field of defense industries (4) supporting innovators, innovators and managers with appropriate budget allocations To defense spheres with the aim of strengthening the military-influenced basic industries and increasing Gross National Defense in defense (5) the proper use of the country's funds for dual use of military and civilian industries and the fight against monopoly in the field of defense production with the goal of self-sufficiency in the production of military technology and the growth of the defense economy; (6) the strengthening and preservation of soft strategic stocks, Hard and smart defense by stabilizing the country's defense production and self-sufficiency in the fields of food, medicine, energy and military technology with the aim of improving the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense economy among target countries.


فهرست منابع :
- قرآن کریم
- امام خمینی (رحمت‌الله‌علیه)، صحیفه نور؛ جلد 21
- امام خامنه­ای (مدظله­العالی)، مجموعه بیانات
- سند چشم‌انداز جمهوری اسلامی ایران
- گزارش تحلیلی کمیسیون اقتصادی مجلس شورای اسلامی در سال 1392
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