Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor - Human Resources Management - Faculty of Management, Shahid Sattari University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Human Resource Management - Faculty Member of Shahid Sattari University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The Subject of competency strategic commanders and managers in times of crisis and unpredictable situations, can be used as one of the most important issues by the source is defense. Army in any country, they need to take advantage of that qualified commanders, merits and special features. The purpose of this research is to design a measurement pattern of the competency of IRAIF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach. In this study the theoretical foundations, the issue of fighting power, competency models, as well as matters of war and Asymmetric warfare and its associated properties have been investigated. The study was based on objective, applied development. The method used in this study is mixed and also in terms of time period. In the first phase, a conceptual model regarding the issue of competence commanders with the corresponding process (review of literature, interviews and gaining opinions of 15 experts with snowball sampling, and use content analysis and is provided. In the Measurement of the population living in the centeral units stratified random sampling were carried out, is described the research data and analysis of data provided by the questionnaire, the subjects were gathered, discussed. And assumptions and conceptual model was tested through software Smart PLS. After the test, In addition to providing rating of all research components (15 components), individual aspects, related to the organization, interpersonal and insight in order of priority were the first to fourth. Finally, some applied suggestions presented.


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