Assessment and Prioritization of Long range Measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Military Field

Document Type : Original Article


1 دانشیار مدیریت راهبردی دانشگاه جامع امام حسین

2 Assistant Professor of National Security, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein University

4 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


 Effective use of information superiority in military engagements creates an active environment for the commander to implement innovative strategies, operational principles, and combat maneuvers as efficiently as possible. On the one hand, ignoring any threat in the field of self
defense military intelligence can have a direct impact on the progress of the enemy's operations and ease of achieving its objectives, and on the other hand, modern information technology changes the tactics, techniques, and practices that enhance the capabilities of the information collecting systems, particularly in the area of "remote sensing". This capability itself can be considered a special feature for any commander in controlling the operational forces and upgrading the battlefield management before, during and after the attack or defense. This research explores the nature of exploration in order to provide part of the need to develop a passive defense strategic model to counter "remote sensing" threats, in which the foundation's data theory strategy is used. Data were collected and analyzed simultaneously. In the quantitative phase, the questionnaire was developed by purposeful sampling method in the target population. Prioritization of variables was determined by Friedman test and finally, qualitative prioritization was performed using quantitative data and it was determined that radar, thermal, hyperspectral, multispectral (optical), panchromatic (optical), Laser (Lidar), and Passive Microwave sensors have higher priority than other remote sensing threats.



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ج- سایت‌ها:

- of remote Sensing _e.php
- directory 2005-2006/