Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor at National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor at National Defense University

3 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Command and Staff of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

4 PhD in Strategic Military Management, Higher National Defense University


The defense policy of countries, as one of the main pillars of national security, requires accurate, continuous and appropriate evaluation based on scientific and specialized indicators .‌In the meantime, the scientific evaluation of the realization and implementation of defense policies plays an important role in the comprehensive evaluation model of defense policy, to review and adapt these policies to the dynamic and fluid requirements and requirements of national security. The purpose of this research is to provide a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The current research method is a combination of case-contextual, correlation-congruence and descriptive methods. In this research, the interview-questionnaire tool was used to collect data, and in order to extract the dimensions, components and indicators of the defense policy evaluation model, interviews were conducted with 15 experts.
A closed questionnaire was distributed among 36 respondents (sample size) to confirm the opinions of experts and experts. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the reliability of the quantitative research tool. Finally, a model has been designed that has 6 dimensions, including the dimensions of fundamental principles and values, structure and organization, human capital, operational, environmental and promotional and information, and 11 components, including the components of Islamic and revolutionary values. The general principles are structural, organizational, behavioral, functional, executive, combat and defense, internal environment, external environment and advertising and information and has 87 main indicators.


  • فهرست منابع

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