Explaining the Quality Measurement Components of the Human Resource Provision Management System in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1 Professor of Strategic Management at the National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student, Strategic Management, National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Human Resources Management, National Defense University


The human resource management system in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a human-centered governing body is of special importance. In the same way, the human resource provision subsystem enjoys a special position in comparison with other subsystems. In this research which was conducted with the purpose of explaining the quality measurement components of the human resource provision system and which used the mixed method, following the theoretic studies and interviews with the experts, specific criteria were identified based on which a two-dimensional questionnaire was prepared. The questionnaires were distributed in a sample group of 306 persons chosen randomly from the statistical population (the official employees) whose views were then taken about the status quo and the desirable status and analyzed by making use of the SPSS and Lisrel software. Furthermore, to measure the correlation matrix, the sampling quality indices (KMO) and the Chi-squared test were used and in conclusion 30 quality measurement components of the human resource provision system were identified in order to specifically answer the research question, “what are the quality measurement components of the human resource provision management system in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?”


فهرست منابع
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