Recognition of The Islamic Revolution Leader, Imam Khamenei’s Approach in managing Social Security System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate Doctor of Ophthalmology, Iran University of Medical Sciences

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Complication and the increase in the need of social support turned the creation of social security system into a necessity. Iran’s leaders pay especial attention to hardworking people and improvement in supporting them. Regarding the matter we have witnessed establishments of several social security related organizations through the past three decades. But the social security system has some defacts and couldn’t performe well in practice. Designing every universal system requires gaining acceptable and functional roots and concepts that all agree with. Social welfare has always been considered by economists and politicians. In Ayatillah Khamenei’s thoughts, the social security is prior to economics. He considered the importance of the matter based on the spiritual and life effects caused by it. Considering Ayatollah Khamenei’s place in governmental system of Islamic Republic of Iran and his approaches toward managing social security; we are looking to survy Aytollah Khamenei’s viewpoints in social security management throught grounded theory. By employing the grounded theory method, 21 virtual categories from 64 main concepts were classify and extracted. By using of the result, considering three level of coding and classifying categories depends on three groups of Doctrine, Goals and policies in presence of Ayatollah Khamenei’s approaches, the model of managing the social security was achieved. The research foundings shows that policies in Ayatollah Kamenei’s viewpoints are more frequencies than other three prior groups. Social justice the bold characteristic of Emam, Universal welfare, poverty eradication, satisfaction of erphants’ needs, useage of performance of Emam’s charity commette, cohesiveness of organizations, research oriented approach and enreaching undercover individuals are of the greatest viewpoints that Ayatollah Khamenei’s has pointed out, but the reviews of the three central categories indicate that this category of Holiness is to serve and support people have pointed out that the same religious views and crystallization point in Ayatollah Kamenei, the Supreme Leader towards the establishment of social security in the community.

فهرست منابع
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