Designing a knowledge management implementation model in the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on structural equation modeling

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, AJA University of Command and Staff

2 Professor, University of Science and Culture

3 Assosiate Professor, University of Science and Culture


In the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, the supreme leader emphasizes on improvement of science and passing the current borders of knowledge. Gaining this important goal requires the achievement of a model that, with a systemic approach, explains the effective infrastructure in the implementation of knowledge management and the relationship between them.The present study has been written with the aim of achieving a model for implementing knowledge management in the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This study is applied and it is collected by structural equation modeling.In this study, first the Delphi method was used from the opinions of 16 experts and specialists about the model. Then, to confirm the model, a questionnaire was distributed among 130 faculty members of AJA universities with the rank of instructor and above.The data collection tool was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed through SMART PLS software using descriptive tests and structural equation modeling. Based on the research findings, the knowledge management implementation model of 66 indicators in the form of 13 factors include; Organizational culture (culture of trust, culture of cooperation, culture of learning, culture of knowledge), organizational structure (formality, decentralization) and human resources (motivation, retention) Infrastructural factors; And knowledge production, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge application and knowledge preservation. According to the ranking, maintaining the most important and knowledge culture has been the least important from the perspective of AJA universities experts in implementing knowledge management.


  • فهرست منابع

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