The component and indicators of manpower affecting the future air power. (In the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of National Defense University and Higher Research Institute

3 Member of faculty of Imam Hossein University


In today's completely indeterminate and fast-paced world, the only main factor that guarantees the stability and survival of the organization is the existence of brave, forward-looking, transformative, flexible human resources... which is important considering the characteristics and sensitivity of air power that relies on Smart and quick decisions are of great importance. Whenever policy makers feel the need to take bold, hopeful and decisive action able to be done, air power will usually be their first choice. Therefore, achieving the manpower component and indicators affecting air power is one of the most appropriate tools to achieve strategic goals. In this regard, considering the importance of the issue, in the way of achieving this goal, the manpower affecting the air power is the most essential component of this complex and has the ability to influence the promotion, degradation or removal of the effective part in the functioning of the entire complex. Therefore, "statistics of the component and indicators of manpower affecting air power" is the main goal of the research, and the research question was designed corresponding to the goal. This research is in the category of applied-developmental research and has been carried out using a descriptive-analytical method with a mixed approach. To answer the research question, based on the characteristics of the statistical population, a number of 92 experts in this field were purposefully selected and a questionnaire was distributed among them. The data analysis shows that the human power dimension wit 3 components and 16 indicators is the most important and effective dimension of the future air power. Index: culture building, forward-looking and transformationalism, with the most important index of the component of command and management, index: faith, morale, order and discipline, the most important index of the component of individual characteristics; And indicator: elimination of parallel education, the most important indicator of education, training and joint research component; Dimension the manpower of the future air power was recognized


  • فهرست منابع:

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