The survey of electronic intelligence role for I.R.IRAN surprise prevention and proper model presentation(with air collection emphasize)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography at Higher National Defense University

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Principle of Surprise is attacked enemy in unexpected time, place and way that cannot defended. Surprise always is a vital side of war and in military literature is force multiplayer that increase effectiveness of one side of conflict and as old as war exists. Emphasize of Islam in Muslim all aspect preparation for surprise prevention is a sensible example. The orders of great prophet Mohamed and his relatives that all times recommendated in front of enemies shows the importance of this subject in Islam in opposite of known and unknown enemy. Beyond this today electronic intelligence collection is a main source of information that with precision and speed and in time character can do best roll in command and control of battle environment. Today’s more attention about use of electronic intelligence have seen in many armies and model of usage change periodically especially about prediction of enemy action in future for surprise prevention with gain situational awareness by this kind of information .Based of this any side that can collect COMPREHENSIVE, LARGE , INTEGRAL , INTACT , MATURE information immune about enemy surprise action in strategic and tactical level of war and conflict.   


فهرست منابع:
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‒      مجموعه بیانات امام خامنه‌ای مد‌ظله‌العالی قابل دسترسی در:
‒      سایت رسمی کنگره امریکا 2015