Strategies of the Activity Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University (Corresponding Author)


Presence of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in natural crisis management can provide a capability in the national scale respecting the organization’s placement, structure, capacities and logistic. In this study a comprehensive research has been done using a complete literature review and experts’ points of view regarding the main topic “Strategies of the Activities Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management”.
Hence, in order to achieve the mentioned aims, the activity approaches of IRIA has been discussed. According to the experts’ points of view and theoretical literature and frame work, 76 effective indexes have been identified in this regard.
Research method in this study, is a combination of descriptive-analytic and survey. The experimental sample consists of 49 experts. Their points of view have been acquired using oral interview and questioner filling method. Statistical analysis has been performed using descriptive statistical tools e.g. frequency tables, means, freedman ranking test and Chi-Square test to find significance of the results. All of the analysis are performed in the SPSS software.
In order to structure the strategies of IRIA’s activity approaches in crisis management in this stage, the SWOT evaluation matrix is generated and the TOPSIS method has been used for ranking the strategies. Finally, 8 strategies have been identified and admitted by the experts. Crisis management, IRIA capabilities in crisis
management, strategies of opposition.


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