Pathology of the health of the Army of the Islamic epublic of Iran and providing solutions for its optimization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Associate Professor at the National Defense University

3 Graduated from Ph.D. in Strategic Management at the National Defense University


the status of healt and
hygiene in the military of the islamic republic of Iran in two available and
favourable conditions .To reach the process of damage recognition in the military of the
Islamic Republic of Iran health and care system, the system functions have been
stated in the following 5 categories: 1-Structure and process 2-command and
leadership 3-Human resources of the military health
care system                4- The Technological system and available equipment at the
system level 5- Financial system of the health care system and organization,
the mentioned above were seperately 
fenced and investigated.The following research is based on the goal of
practical research and developement form and is based on investigative
reasearch model. The data needed for scientific literature in the second
chapter with the aid of note takinfg and using the method of library refrence,
articles, the internet and interview of scientific experts has been provided.
Experimentations of the following research have been devided into two
categories: the firs one from experts and pros for interview from twenty(20)
individuals, and in the second group the data which was needed for analysing
the variables in two available and favourable condition with the aid of
providing a tool of two-way questionnaire with the help of level scaling was
needed from the staff and managers working in the health and care system, a
number of 108 people were chosen. Stability of the interview format have been
taken into survey and with this the formal and logical validity of the
questionnaire on a basis of quantity and quality of the questions have been
approved by the experts of university scholars and professors of the university
of medical science. The validity of the structure was provided with analysis
methods and has undergone assessments, and the assessed data shows that all the
output rached from the load factor and the collecting of data was above 4.   The data which was provided with the
questionnaire tool in two available and favourable conditions and with the aid
of discriptive statistic techniques, including abundance, precentage of
abundance, cumulative abundance( population recognition dada) and data relating
to the statements of the questionnaire with the use of inferential statistic
techniques like factor analysis technique, the two versioned (T) test with
samples connected with the direction of analyzing the gap between the current
and favourable condition were analyzed. The most important finding of the
research states that in each of the five mentioned areas, in order for the
society under research to shift from the current situation and to reach the
favourable condition seems far from hand.
