Semi-model strategic of the subordination and the substance of borderguarding in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Mathematics, Higher National Defense University

2 Professor, Political Geography, Higher National Defense University


The presence of governmental, non-governmental and trans-regional agents in the majority of the I.R. Iran's borderguarding has highlighted the role deterrence-security than the role of communication-economy of the borders. Undoubtedly, ensuring border security in such situations requires a strategic model for border guarding, based on which appropriate strategies can be formulated and executive actions can be planned. Despite the different variables for the strategic model of border, this reaserch seeks to study the two strategic areas of border substance and border subordination.
Developing infrastructures to increase the productivity of the border mechanism to establish and maintain border security is a part of the importance of the research, and interference in the enforcement of border rights of the country and its citizens and the dispersion of decision-making border relations with neighboring countries also formed part of the research need. To describe the theoretical foundations, the documentary community was used and to determine the variables and their relationships, the method of correlation, expert community views, survey and structural equations were used in an exploratory mix.
According to the obtained pseudo-model, since the operational environment in the main borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran has features that impose the contingent use of tools, measures and approach of both military and law enforcement; The nature of the border is a combination of military and law enforcement nature, and its best allegianceis considered under the law enforcement organization.


  • فهرست منابع:

    - امام خامنه‌ای(مد‌ظله‌العالی))، مجموعه بیانات، قابل‌دسترسی در

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