Recognition of Imam Khomeini’s Approach in managing Social Security

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Member of the Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University and Head of the Health Commission of the Islamic Council of Tehran


Complication and the increase in the need of social support turned the creation of social security system into a necessity. The social security system has some defects and could not perform well in practice. Designing every universal social security system requires gaining acceptable and functional roots and concepts that all agree with. Social welfare has always been considered by economists and politicians. The social security has always been of great importance in political, juridical, management, economical and social thoughts of Imam Khomeini. Imam who was in high levels of political and social intelligence used to follow welfare, justice and social security with some especial attention that was derived from his prophecy and level of Tutelage of Jurisprudent. In this research we are to survey Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint of managing social security through Grounded theory research method. By employing the method of Grounded theory from 39 main concept, 14 virtual categories were extracted. By using the results of three-steps coding and categories dividing base on the doctrine, the goals and policies, the model of social security from Imam Khomeini’s approach were achieved. The results show that basing Islam in legislation, the implementation of divine service and dedication to social justice in Islam are the central issues. Also, all three of these categories are in doctrine. These categories refer to the divinity and sanctity somehow serve and protect the people. In other words, show that a religious duty upon individuals and states to protect individuals against any confrontation.


فهرست منابع:

الف- منابع دینی
-    خمینی، سید روح­ اله. متن مکتوبات و بیانات.
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